Follow the process for Character Creation with the following changes
- In addition to the races normally available to characters, you may choose races that list they may be taken as cohorts.
- If the race does not have an entry saying <Race> As Characters which lists the Ability score adjustments, then calculate them it as follows:
- Take the number for each Ability listed in the cohort's stat block, and subtract 10 if the number is even, or 11 if the number is odd.
- If the race has 4 or more hit-dice, the ability scores already include the stat increase for that level, and you do not get it again.
- For example, a Howler has 6 hit dice. Therefore the ability score increase for 4th level is already calculated in it's abilities, and you do not get an extra ability score increase for 4 hit-dice.
- For example, a Howler has 6 hit dice. Therefore the ability score increase for 4th level is already calculated in it's abilities, and you do not get an extra ability score increase for 4 hit-dice.
- Take the number for each Ability listed in the cohort's stat block, and subtract 10 if the number is even, or 11 if the number is odd.
- You do not need to give your cohort a class level unless they are a Humanoid or Fey and they only have one Hit-Die (in which case the class level replaces the Hit-Die (You can see this in the stat block for the example cohort, it will say something like 1st level Warrior)). This means that you can take some Cohorts with one less level than if they would be created as Characters.
- For Example, a Howler has 6 Hit-Dice and a Level-Adjustment of 3, therefore you can take it whenever you can take a Cohort with ECL 9.
- For Example, a Howler has 6 Hit-Dice and a Level-Adjustment of 3, therefore you can take it whenever you can take a Cohort with ECL 9.
- Unlike PCs, when advancing a Cohort using a prestige class, you do not have to have met a trainer in game.
- This means a newly created Cohort may have levels in a prestige class for which they qualify.
- A Cohort must meet all prerequisites of a prestige class to take it. Some special prerequisites are tied to in-game actions. If the Cohort could begin with 3 or more levels of such a prestige class, they can meet these requirements during creation. Otherwise they must have the special condition met through the course of play.
- This means a newly created Cohort may have levels in a prestige class for which they qualify.
- If the stat-block for your cohort has an Advancement line, you may also advance it by increasing its Hit-Dice instead of adding a class level.
- As its Hit Dice increase, a cohort’s attack bonuses and saving throw modifiers might improve. It gains more feats and skills, depending on its type, as shown on this Table:
Type1 Hit Die Attack Bonus Good Saving Throws2 Skill Points3 Aberration d8 HD ×¾ (as cleric) Will 2 + Int mod per HD Animal d8 HD ×¾ (as cleric) Fort, Ref (and sometimes Will) 2 + Int mod per HD Construct d10 HD ×¾ (as cleric) — 2 + Int mod per HD4 Deathless d12 HD ×½ (as wizard) Will 4 + Int mod per HD4 Dragon d12 HD (as fighter) Fort, Ref, Will 6 + Int mod per HD Elemental d8 HD ×¾ (as cleric) Ref (Air, Fire), or Fort (Earth, Water) 2 + Int mod per HD Fey d6 HD ×½ (as wizard) Ref, Will 6 + Int mod per HD Giant d8 HD ×¾ (as cleric) Fort 2 + Int mod per HD Humanoid d8 HD ×¾ (as cleric) Varies (any one) 2 + Int mod per HD Magical beast d10 HD (as fighter) Fort, Ref 2 + Int mod per HD Monstrous humanoid d8 HD (as fighter) Ref, Will 2 + Int mod per HD Ooze d10 HD ×¾ (as cleric) — 2 + Int mod per HD4 Outsider d8 HD (as fighter) Fort, Ref, Will 8 + Int mod per HD Plant d8 HD ×¾ (as cleric) Fort 2 + Int mod per HD4 Undead d12 HD ×½ (as wizard) Will 4 + Int mod per HD4 Vermin d8 HD ×¾ (as cleric) Fort 2 + Int mod per HD4 1. Creatures with an Intelligence of at least 1 gain a feat at 1st level and every 3 after that (counting all Hit-Dice) (1,3,6,9,12,15,18,etc.). In addition creatures may have bonus feats in their entry regardless of Intelligence.2. For Types with Varies or exceptions, pay attention to the creature's stat-block, it should be somewhat obvious what their Good Saving Throws are3. As long as a creature has an Intelligence of at least 1, it gains a minimum of 1 skill point per Hit Die.4. Creatures with an Intelligence score of "—" gain no skill points or feats from adding Hit-Dice. - When increasing Hit-Dice you get an Ability Score Improvement whenever your cohort reaches a number of Hit-Dice (including from classes) equal to a multiple of 4 (4,8,12,16,20,etc.)
- It's possible that increasing a cohort's Hit-Dice will also increase it's size. This is noted in the cohort's Advancement line in parentheses. This can cause some stat changes as shown on this Table:
Old Size1 New Size Str2 Dex2 Con2 Natural Armor AC/Attack3 Fine Diminutive Same -2 Same Same -4 Diminutive Tiny +2 -2 Same Same -2 Tiny Small +4 -2 Same Same -1 Small Medium +4 -2 +2 Same -1 Medium Large +8 -2 +4 +2 -1 Large Huge +8 -2 +4 +3 -1 Huge Gargantuan +8 Same +4 +4 -2 Gargantuan Colossal +8 Same +4 +5 -4 1. Repeat the adjustment if the creature moves up more than one size. For example when advancing from Tiny to Large, strength would increase by 16, dexterity would decrease by 6, constitution would increase by 6, natural armor would increase by 2, and the Size bonus to AC/Attack would go from +2 to -1, a decrease of 3.
2. A creature cannot have any stat reduced to less than one by changing size. If a stat would be reduced below 1, it becomes 1 instead. If the size change is a temporary effect, the stat returns to its original value after the effect ends.
3. This is just a reference to how the normal size bonus to AC/Attack works when changing sizes, it is not an additional change. For example, a Diminutive creature has a size bonus to AC/Attack of +4, going to Tiny it would decrease by 2 to be +2. - When a cohort's size changes it uses the new appropriate size modifier for to-hit, AC, grappling and tripping.
- As its Hit Dice increase, a cohort’s attack bonuses and saving throw modifiers might improve. It gains more feats and skills, depending on its type, as shown on this Table: