Point Buy Costs | ||
Points Spent | Score | Modifier |
0 | 8 | -1 |
1 | 9 | -1 |
2 | 10 | $-$ |
3 | 11 | $-$ |
4 | 12 | +1 |
5 | 13 | +1 |
6 | 14 | +2 |
8 | 15 | +2 |
10 | 16 | +3 |
13 | 17 | +3 |
16 | 18 | +4 |
The rules for primary character creation are as follows:
- Stats are generated in one of the following ways
- The player makes 6 rolls, one for each of the stats, witnessed by a Dungeon Master. The rolls are made by 4 6-sided dice with the lowest die in each set of 4 being discarded (4D6 drop-the-lowest). Once the player has 6 rolls, any roll that was below 12, is increased to 12. This method can only be used for character creation with a KotD GM present. The Character-Creation channel in the Discord can be used for this purpose.
- Alternately, the player may use a 30-point point buy as detailed in the Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG) on page 169.
- For each of the 6 stats, assign a number of points using the table to the right, so that the total of the points spent equals 30.
- Stats may not be less than 8 or more than 18 using this method.
- All stats are adjusted by Race afterward, so racial adjustments could take an 8 to a 6 or an 18 to a 20 or further if using a non-PHB race with a higher level pre-generated character.
- All rolls and point cost are determined by the stats before applying racial modifiers.
- The player is allowed to buy equipment at book prices when creating a new character.
- The player may buy all the equipment from a class's starting package for the cost of the average starting gold for that class.
- For example, the equipment (including the gold) from the Fighter starting package would cost 150 gp.
- Another example, the equipment (including the gold) from the Monk starting package would cost 12 gp 5 sp.
- The Player may only buy one starting package.
- The entry for the Alchemist's Lab is modified to read: An alchemist’s lab always has the perfect tool for making alchemical items, beyond what even a set of masterwork artisan's tools (alchemical) provides, so it provides a +4 circumstance bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks. It has no bearing on the costs related to the Craft (alchemy) skill. Please note that the +2 cicumstance bonus that masterwork artisan's tools (alchemical) provide will not stack with the bonus provided by the Alchemist's Lab.
- Writing a New Spell Into a Spellbook - use the process described on p.178 of the PHB with the following exception - there are no special materials/cost required.
- The player may buy all the equipment from a class's starting package for the cost of the average starting gold for that class.
- Unless the player is recreating a sufficiently high level character that has been killed or retired, they are limited to using the books accessible at their level and below. Races are shown at the level they first become playable. The races from the Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 Player’s Handbook (PHB) are all playable from first level.
- 1st Level
- 2nd Level
- 3rd Level
- 4th Level
- 5th Level
- 6th Level
- 7th Level
- 8th Level
- 9th Level
- 10th Level
- 11th Level
- 12th Level
- 13th Level
- 14th Level
- 15th Level
- 16th Level
- 17th Level
- 18th Level
- At this level the player is limited to only using material from the Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 Player’s Handbook (PHB). This material is also available in the System Resource Document (SRD). At this time, a player can only use part of the SRD for creating a character (specifically the part that corresponds to the PHB).
- If the PHB refers to material presented in another book (such as the Monster Manual I), the player may use such material as required (such as the stat block for a pack animal if the player purchased one).
- The player starts with the maximum starting gold for their class as delineated in table 7-1 on page 111 of the PHB.
- The player starts with the maximum hitpoints for their class.
- The only alignment NOT available is Chaotic Evil.
- Multiclassing XP penalties DO NOT apply, "Favored Class" is a mechanical roleplaying element that players may choose to ignore.
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 400 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 300 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- Only PHB races are allowed when creating a 1st level character.
- This book may be used as reference for spells, class features, and items that refer to animals and monsters.
- This book may not be used before 8th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- 2nd-level characters start with 1,200 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #3.
- 2nd-level characters start with 900 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 2nd-level characters start with 1 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting p. 96)
Potion Belt 1GP, 1lb.: This sturdy leather belt similar to a bandoleer has pockets shaped to hold potion vials and is fitted with ties of flaps to keep the potions from falling out. It holds six potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Masterwork Potion Belt 60GP, 1lb.: This extremely well-made potion belt holds ten potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Shaders 1SP, —: These are googles of a sort that fit over am orc's eyes with a loop of leather tightened behind the ears. Made from a piece of wood or bamboo with a thin slot carved in it to see out of, shaders negate an orc's light sensitivty but impose a -1 penalty on Spot checks.
(Adapted from Races of Eberron p. 103)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 400 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 300 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- When creating a character of 2nd level or higher, you have missed the opportunity to attend Festivals.
- For every 2 ECL of the character you are creating, you get 1 Fest Point, which can be spent to gain benefits you would otherwise have to attend a festival to receive.
- Spending fest points just gives you access to the game option, you still have to pay all of the normal costs.
- You can hold onto these points to spend at a later date, but you do not continue to earn points as you level.
- These points can be spent in the following manner
- 4 points: You can take 1 prestige class. Contact a GM (for instance in the character-creation channel in the Discord), and we can give you information about your in-game trainer. You must meet all prerequisites. If the class has an in-game action/role-playing as a prerequisite, your character must be able to take at least three levels of the prestige class in order to be considered qualified. Otherwise the pre-requisite will need to be met during the course of play.
- 2 points: Using the new Buyback rules you can buyback 1 LA.
- Variable points: You can have someone perform spellcasting, manifesting, etc. services. You need to spend fest points totaling 1/2 of the total spell levels, 1/4 of the total expended power points, or an equivalent amount for equivalent abilities.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- The player starts with gold for their level as delineated in table 5-1 on page 135 of the DMG.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Custom items built using the rules in the DMG can not be built during pre-generation (however see the information on fest points above).
- When crafting a magic item the requirement to pay 1/25 the base cost in xp is removed. If a spell has an xp component, that xp cost must still be paid.
- For the purposes of this campaign, the Amulet of Mighty Fists reads as follows:
Amulet of Mighty Fists
This amulet can be enchanted as if it were a melee weapon. It must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. It follows the rules for enchanting melee weapons with the exception that all costs are increased by 50%. As such it can have as much as a +5 enhancement bonus, and up to a further +5 in melee weapon special abilities. It may not have dancing, throwing, or any other ability that relies on the weapon being separate from the body. It has room for one weapon augment crystal (see MIC).
When you place this amulet around your neck, pick one natural weapon type, or pick unarmed strike. The chosen melee attack gains the weapon enhancements from the amulet. The effect ends when you remove the amulet. You may change the chosen attack type by removing the amulet and replacing it. This is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
You may increase the type of attacks affected by reducing the Enhancement bonus (down to a minimum of +1); for each 1 you reduce the Enhancement bonus by, choose an additional melee natural weapon or unarmed trike that this amulet affects. You may not reduce/remove special abilities in order to increase the types of attacks affected.
The caster level of this item with a special ability is given in the description of the special ability. For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.Faint evocation; CL See Text; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 (+6), 147,000 (+7), 192,000 (+8), 243,000 (+9), 300,000 (+10)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than 1 racial hit die or 1 level of adjustment may be taken for a 2nd level character.
- Dwarf, Duergar (Non-Psionic) is a newly available race.
- Goblin is a newly available race.
- Elf, Grey is a newly available race.
- Elf, Wild is a newly available race.
- Elf, Wood is a newly available race.
- Gnome, Forest is a newly available race.
- Halfling, Deep is a newly available race.
- Halfling, Tallfellow is a newly available race.
- Hobgoblin is a newly available race.
- Kobold is a newly available race.
- Merfolk is a newly available race.
- Orc is a newly available race.
- Planetouched, Aasimar is a newly available race.
- Planetouched, Tiefling is a newly available race.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Non-MM Races from the SRD (such as the Blue from the XPH) are not allowed at these levels.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The Healer base class has updated house rules here.
- The Favored Soul base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Warmage base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available unless creating an 8th level or higher character.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Align Fang, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Angelskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Baleful Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Benign Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bless Weapon, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Close Wounds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Conviction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Impending Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Demonhide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Protection, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Favorable Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guiding Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Holy Spurs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incite, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inhibit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lightfoot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lionheart, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Charge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Living Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Panacea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quick March, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revivify, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slashing Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Snake's Swiftness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tiger's Tooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Shadow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bigby's Slapping Hand, has been renamed to Slapping Hand and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Guided Arrow, has been renamed to Guided Shot and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee, has been renamed to Buzzing Bee and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Righteous Fury, has been renamed to Rhino's Rush and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Undeniable Gravity, has been renamed to Earthbind and can be found in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The duom is not available for purchase.
- The fullblade is not available for purchase.
- Sundark Goggles is a newly available piece of equipment.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- This book may not be used before 8th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- 3rd-level characters start with 3,300 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #6.
- 3rd-level characters start with 2,700 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 3rd-level characters start with 1 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting p. 96)
Potion Belt 1GP, 1lb.: This sturdy leather belt similar to a bandoleer has pockets shaped to hold potion vials and is fitted with ties of flaps to keep the potions from falling out. It holds six potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Masterwork Potion Belt 60GP, 1lb.: This extremely well-made potion belt holds ten potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Shaders 1SP, —: These are googles of a sort that fit over am orc's eyes with a loop of leather tightened behind the ears. Made from a piece of wood or bamboo with a thin slot carved in it to see out of, shaders negate an orc's light sensitivty but impose a -1 penalty on Spot checks.
(Adapted from Races of Eberron p. 103)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 400 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 300 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- When creating a character of 2nd level or higher, you have missed the opportunity to attend Festivals.
- For every 2 ECL of the character you are creating, you get 1 Fest Point, which can be spent to gain benefits you would otherwise have to attend a festival to receive.
- Spending fest points just gives you access to the game option, you still have to pay all of the normal costs.
- You can hold onto these points to spend at a later date, but you do not continue to earn points as you level.
- These points can be spent in the following manner
- 4 points: You can take 1 prestige class. Contact a GM (for instance in the character-creation channel in the Discord), and we can give you information about your in-game trainer. You must meet all prerequisites. If the class has an in-game action/role-playing as a prerequisite, your character must be able to take at least three levels of the prestige class in order to be considered qualified. Otherwise the pre-requisite will need to be met during the course of play.
- 2 points: Using the new Buyback rules you can buyback 1 LA.
- Variable points: You can have someone perform spellcasting, manifesting, etc. services. You need to spend fest points totaling 1/2 of the total spell levels, 1/4 of the total expended power points, or an equivalent amount for equivalent abilities.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- The player starts with gold for their level as delineated in table 5-1 on page 135 of the DMG.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Custom items built using the rules in the DMG can not be built during pre-generation (however see the information on fest points above).
- When crafting a magic item the requirement to pay 1/25 the base cost in xp is removed. If a spell has an xp component, that xp cost must still be paid.
- For the purposes of this campaign, the Amulet of Mighty Fists reads as follows:
Amulet of Mighty Fists
This amulet can be enchanted as if it were a melee weapon. It must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. It follows the rules for enchanting melee weapons with the exception that all costs are increased by 50%. As such it can have as much as a +5 enhancement bonus, and up to a further +5 in melee weapon special abilities. It may not have dancing, throwing, or any other ability that relies on the weapon being separate from the body. It has room for one weapon augment crystal (see MIC).
When you place this amulet around your neck, pick one natural weapon type, or pick unarmed strike. The chosen melee attack gains the weapon enhancements from the amulet. The effect ends when you remove the amulet. You may change the chosen attack type by removing the amulet and replacing it. This is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
You may increase the type of attacks affected by reducing the Enhancement bonus (down to a minimum of +1); for each 1 you reduce the Enhancement bonus by, choose an additional melee natural weapon or unarmed trike that this amulet affects. You may not reduce/remove special abilities in order to increase the types of attacks affected.
The caster level of this item with a special ability is given in the description of the special ability. For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.Faint evocation; CL See Text; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 (+6), 147,000 (+7), 192,000 (+8), 243,000 (+9), 300,000 (+10)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than 2 racial hit dice or 2 levels of adjustment or 1 racial hit die + 1 level of adjustment may be taken for a 3rd level character.
- Elf, Drow is a newly available race.
- Githyanki is a newly available race.
- Githzerai is a newly available race.
- Celestial Creature is not an available template at this time.
- Fiendish Creature is not an available template at this time.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Non-MM Races from the SRD (such as the Blue from the XPH) are not allowed at these levels.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The Healer base class has updated house rules here.
- The Favored Soul base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Warmage base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available unless creating an 8th level or higher character.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Align Fang, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Angelskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Baleful Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Benign Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bless Weapon, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Close Wounds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Conviction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Impending Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Demonhide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Protection, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Favorable Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guiding Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Holy Spurs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incite, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inhibit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lightfoot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lionheart, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Charge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Living Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Panacea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quick March, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revivify, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slashing Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Snake's Swiftness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tiger's Tooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Shadow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bigby's Slapping Hand, has been renamed to Slapping Hand and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Guided Arrow, has been renamed to Guided Shot and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee, has been renamed to Buzzing Bee and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Righteous Fury, has been renamed to Rhino's Rush and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Undeniable Gravity, has been renamed to Earthbind and can be found in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The duom is not available for purchase.
- The fullblade is not available for purchase.
- Sundark Goggles is a newly available piece of equipment.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- This book may not be used before 8th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- 4th-level characters start with 6,300 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #9.
- 4th-level characters start with 5,400 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 4th-level characters start with 2 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting p. 96)
Potion Belt 1GP, 1lb.: This sturdy leather belt similar to a bandoleer has pockets shaped to hold potion vials and is fitted with ties of flaps to keep the potions from falling out. It holds six potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Masterwork Potion Belt 60GP, 1lb.: This extremely well-made potion belt holds ten potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Shaders 1SP, —: These are googles of a sort that fit over am orc's eyes with a loop of leather tightened behind the ears. Made from a piece of wood or bamboo with a thin slot carved in it to see out of, shaders negate an orc's light sensitivty but impose a -1 penalty on Spot checks.
(Adapted from Races of Eberron p. 103)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 400 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 300 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- When creating a character of 2nd level or higher, you have missed the opportunity to attend Festivals.
- For every 2 ECL of the character you are creating, you get 1 Fest Point, which can be spent to gain benefits you would otherwise have to attend a festival to receive.
- Spending fest points just gives you access to the game option, you still have to pay all of the normal costs.
- You can hold onto these points to spend at a later date, but you do not continue to earn points as you level.
- These points can be spent in the following manner
- 4 points: You can take 1 prestige class. Contact a GM (for instance in the character-creation channel in the Discord), and we can give you information about your in-game trainer. You must meet all prerequisites. If the class has an in-game action/role-playing as a prerequisite, your character must be able to take at least three levels of the prestige class in order to be considered qualified. Otherwise the pre-requisite will need to be met during the course of play.
- 2 points: Using the new Buyback rules you can buyback 1 LA.
- Variable points: You can have someone perform spellcasting, manifesting, etc. services. You need to spend fest points totaling 1/2 of the total spell levels, 1/4 of the total expended power points, or an equivalent amount for equivalent abilities.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- The player starts with gold for their level as delineated in table 5-1 on page 135 of the DMG.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Custom items built using the rules in the DMG can not be built during pre-generation (however see the information on fest points above).
- When crafting a magic item the requirement to pay 1/25 the base cost in xp is removed. If a spell has an xp component, that xp cost must still be paid.
- For the purposes of this campaign, the Amulet of Mighty Fists reads as follows:
Amulet of Mighty Fists
This amulet can be enchanted as if it were a melee weapon. It must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. It follows the rules for enchanting melee weapons with the exception that all costs are increased by 50%. As such it can have as much as a +5 enhancement bonus, and up to a further +5 in melee weapon special abilities. It may not have dancing, throwing, or any other ability that relies on the weapon being separate from the body. It has room for one weapon augment crystal (see MIC).
When you place this amulet around your neck, pick one natural weapon type, or pick unarmed strike. The chosen melee attack gains the weapon enhancements from the amulet. The effect ends when you remove the amulet. You may change the chosen attack type by removing the amulet and replacing it. This is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
You may increase the type of attacks affected by reducing the Enhancement bonus (down to a minimum of +1); for each 1 you reduce the Enhancement bonus by, choose an additional melee natural weapon or unarmed trike that this amulet affects. You may not reduce/remove special abilities in order to increase the types of attacks affected.
The caster level of this item with a special ability is given in the description of the special ability. For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.Faint evocation; CL See Text; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 (+6), 147,000 (+7), 192,000 (+8), 243,000 (+9), 300,000 (+10)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 3 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 4th level character.
- Gnoll is a newly available race.
- Gnome, Svirfneblin is a newly available race.
- Lizardfolk is a newly available race.
- Locathah is a newly available race.
- Sprite, Grig is a newly available race.
- Sprite, Nixie is a newly available race.
- Half-Dragon is a newly available template.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Non-MM Races from the SRD (such as the Blue from the XPH) are not allowed at these levels.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The Healer base class has updated house rules here.
- The Favored Soul base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Warmage base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available unless creating an 8th level or higher character.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Align Fang, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Angelskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Baleful Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Benign Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bless Weapon, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Close Wounds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Conviction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Impending Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Demonhide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Protection, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Favorable Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guiding Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Holy Spurs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incite, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inhibit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lightfoot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lionheart, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Charge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Living Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Panacea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quick March, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revivify, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slashing Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Snake's Swiftness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tiger's Tooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Shadow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bigby's Slapping Hand, has been renamed to Slapping Hand and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Guided Arrow, has been renamed to Guided Shot and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee, has been renamed to Buzzing Bee and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Righteous Fury, has been renamed to Rhino's Rush and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Undeniable Gravity, has been renamed to Earthbind and can be found in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The duom is not available for purchase.
- The fullblade is not available for purchase.
- Sundark Goggles is a newly available piece of equipment.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- Races found on pp. 5—7 are available
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 3 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 4th level character.
- Aquatic Races
- Dwarf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Aquatic (UA) is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Human, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Arctic Races
- Dwarf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Desert Races
- Dwarf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Jungle Races
- Dwarf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Air
- Gnome, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Earth
- Dwarf, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Fire
- Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Hobgoblin, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Water
- Half-Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Aquatic Races
- The paragon classes found on pp. 32-46 are available SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available.
- The Other Class Variants on pp. 58-59 are explicitly NOT available. (These are the variants without a special name where you lose a class feature and gain a feature from a different class)
- The following class variants are available (pp. 47-58):
- Totem Barbarian (Unearthed Arcana type) (p. 48) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Bardic Sage (p. 49) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Divine Bard (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Cloistered Cleric (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Druidic Avenger (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Thug (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Fighting Styles Monk (p.52)
- Paladin of Freedom - See House Rules
- Paladin of Tyranny - See House Rules
- Planar Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Urban Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Wilderness Rogue (p. 56) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Battle Sorceror (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Domain Wizard (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- The prestige versions of Bard, Paladin, and Ranger (pp. 69-72) are available. These classes count the same as their PHB counterparts.
- Bard (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Paladin (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Ranger (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ghost-Faced Killer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Enforcer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- The Spymaster prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorb Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Accelerated Movement, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Allegro, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Mind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Balancing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blade Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bladeweave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bloodhound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Branch to branch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cacophonic Shield, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of the Sea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Critical Strike, the version in Complete Mage (CM) is not an update but a different spell which should be recorded as Critical Strike (CM) and is not available until that book is available.
- For the spell, Critical Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Daggerspell Stance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dirge of Discord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dissonant Chord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distort Speech, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distract Assailant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Insight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Climb, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Trail, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Embrace the Wild, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entangling Staff, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Exacting Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Focusing Chant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Foebane, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golem Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Grave Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guided Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Harmonic Chorus, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healthful Rest, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Herald's Call, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hindsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hymn of Praise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Improvisation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infernal Threnody, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insidious Rhythm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insightful Feint, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inspirational Boost, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Locksmith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Search, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Iron Silence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Joyful Noise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Coin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Mindless Rage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nightstalker's Transformation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Protégé, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Form, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sonic Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spectral Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Speechlink, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tactical Precision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Train Animal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vine Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wail of Doom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, War Cry, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wracking Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wraithstrike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For purposes of this campaign the Leap Attack feat reads as follows:
"You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack."
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Jump 8 ranks
Benefit: You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target you deal bonus damage equal to the attack penalty taken with your Power Attack feat (if you take a penalty of 5 to attack with Power Attack, you deal 5 bonus damage from Leap Attack). This is regardless of whether you are using a one-handed or two-handed weapon. - This attack must follow all the normal rules for using the Jump skill and for making a charge, except that you ignore rough terrain in any squares you jump over.
Note, there are two benefits to leap attack.
- The benefit to jump as part of a charge and ignore rough terrain jumped over, this can happen at any part of the charge.
- The benefit to deal extra damage based on Power Attack. This has the added requirement that the leap cover a minimum 10 ft. horizontal distance and end in a square from which you threaten the opponent.
Normal: You may not leap as part of a charge. You may not charge through rough terrain. You do not get additional damage just by leaping while charging.
- Alchemical capsules may be used to store potions, alchemical substances, and poisons.
- Such substances are limited to 1 oz of liquid (so something like tangelfoot wouldn't be a viable choice).
- This includes weapon alchemical capsules
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Warlock: 100 gp.
- Warmage: 75 gp.
- Wu Jen: 75 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Acolyte of the Skin prestige class is not permitted.
- The Alienist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Green Star Adept prestige class prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master Transmorgrifist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Suel Archanamach prestige class is not permitted.
- The Wayfarer Guide prestige class is not permitted.
- For Mage of the Arcane Order there are several guilds operating their own Spellpools. Which guild the player is part of is determined by which NPC trainer brought them in. By default only spells from the Player's Handbook are available, however there may be guilds that have different Spellpools.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorption, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aiming at the Target, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Wood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow of Bone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Backbiter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bands of Steel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blackfire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blink, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blistering Radiance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Corpse Candle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Darkvision, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Defenestrating Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Discern Shapechanger, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Duelward, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthen Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enhance Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Familiar Pocket, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fiendform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shield, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shuriken, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fist of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flensing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fortify Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Freezing Fog, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghostform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart Ripper, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ice Knife, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Illusory Pit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Low-light Vision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mage Armor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Force, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Assailants, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Prismatic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Programmed Amnesia, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reaving Dispel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reciprocal Gyre, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Refusal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resist Energy, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resonating Bolt, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Servant Horde, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Binding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritwall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stony Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Elemental Monolith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Swim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Deception, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Thornskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transfix, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transmute Rock to Lava, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unluck, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vitriolic Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Gloom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirling Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Withering Palm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Rot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Assay Resistance, has been renamed to Assay Spell Resistance and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Chameleon, has been renamed to Camouflage and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Force Whip, has been renamed to Sonic Whip and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Leomund's Hidden Lodge, has been renamed to Hidden Lodge and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Greater Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen, Greater and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Black Flame Zealot prestige class is not permitted.
- The Blighter prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master of Shrouds prestige class is superseded by the revised version listed in Libris Mortis, and not available to a 4th or 5th level character.
- The Void Disciple prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Anger of the Noonday Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Awaken, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beast Claws, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beget Bogun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Binding Winds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessed Aim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessing of Bahamut, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Body of the Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bottle of Smoke, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brain Spider, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brambles, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Briar Web, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Castigate, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Chain of Eyes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudwalkers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cometfall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contagious Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Crumble, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Ill Fortune, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dance of the Unicorn, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Decomposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Deific Vengeance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Detect Favored Enemy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Agility, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Doomtide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Vortex, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enveloping Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Wings, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fires of Purity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flame of Faith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golden Barding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Implacable Pursuer, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infestation of Maggots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Languor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Last Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mark of the Hunter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miasma, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Murderous Mist, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Avatar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Naturewatch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nimbus of Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Decoy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Disorientation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Bear, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Stag, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Wolf, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Thorns, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Vines, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Probe Thoughts, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quill Blast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Recitation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rejuvenation Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Renewal Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revenance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sacred Haven, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sandblast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scent, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Landscape, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Spell Resistance, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spikes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritual Chariot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Standing Wave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm of Elemental Fury, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm Tower, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stormrage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Subvert Planar Essence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Telepathic Bond, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tidal Surge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tortoise Shell, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Traveler's Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unbinding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unyielding Roots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Mass Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigorous Circle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Waterspout, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wave of Grief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weapon of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weather Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirlwind, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winged Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Wose, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- For the spell, Zeal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Zealot Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bane Bow, has been renamed to Foebane and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Divine Metamagic feat has the additional restriction:
- While the spell slot doesn't change, you must have access to a spell of the level equivalent of the spell and applied metamagic.
- For example, if you were to use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered Holy Smite you must be able to cast a 6th level divine spell (such as an 11th level Cleric with a Wisdom of 16 or higher). This stacks such that a 15th level Cleric with an 18 or higher Wisdom and both Divine Metamagic (Empower Spell) and Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell) could not use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite, even though he could individually cast an Empowered Holy Smite or a Quickened Holy Smite, because an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite would normally require a 10th level Spell Slot.
- Multiple Nightsticks do not "stack."
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Hexblade: 150 gp.
- Samurai: 50 gp.
- Swashbuckler: 150 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Eye of Gruumsh prestige class is not permitted.
- The Frenzied Bezerker prestige class is not permitted.
- The Purple Dragon Knight prestige class is retitled "Silver Dragon Knight", as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- The Ravager prestige class is not permitted.
- The Thayan Knight prestige class is not permitted, as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- For the Hulking Hurler, see this page for new rules on improvised weapon damage.
- For the Warshaper, you may only select one type of natural weapon for "Morphic Weapons" at any one time. If you choose a second natural weapon type,you lose the benefit of "Morphic Weapons" for the first type chosen.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Augment Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cursed Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Roar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Threat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Shock Trooper tactical Feat is unavailable.
- The spell Draconic Polymorph in the spell list on p. 268 is found in the Draconomicon (Dr) and isn't available until 6th level.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- Information on who grants Domains shown the Appendix: Domain Spells can be found here
- A double-weapon only has a single slot for an augment crystal, the effect of the crystal will affect both parts of the weapon.
- In addition to what's found in the book, the following properties are available:
Modular (Least)
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC 15) Transmutation
Activation: —Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
This object has the capability of attaching an additional augment crystal. When used on a double-weapon, the augment crystal only affects the part of the weapon for which this property was taken. An augment crystal attached to this slot is limited to being a least crystal. You may add this property more than once to have more slots.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Lesser) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least)Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
One of the slots created by Modular (Least) now can accept up to a lesser crystal. You may add this property more than once, up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Least). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property can now accept a lesser crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Greater) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong; (DC 23) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least), Modular (Lesser)
Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.One of the slots created by Modular (Least) and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) now can accept up to a greater crystal. You may add this property more than once (although to do so would require an epic item), up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Lesser). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) property can now accept a greater crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
- This book may not be used before 8th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- 5th-level characters start with 10,200 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #12.
- 5th-level characters start with 9,000 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 5th-level characters start with 2 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting p. 96)
Potion Belt 1GP, 1lb.: This sturdy leather belt similar to a bandoleer has pockets shaped to hold potion vials and is fitted with ties of flaps to keep the potions from falling out. It holds six potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Masterwork Potion Belt 60GP, 1lb.: This extremely well-made potion belt holds ten potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Shaders 1SP, —: These are googles of a sort that fit over am orc's eyes with a loop of leather tightened behind the ears. Made from a piece of wood or bamboo with a thin slot carved in it to see out of, shaders negate an orc's light sensitivty but impose a -1 penalty on Spot checks.
(Adapted from Races of Eberron p. 103)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Crude Maquahuitl | 14 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 10 lb. | Bludgeoning and Piercing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 100 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 75 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Exotic Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
One-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 7 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | — | 4 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Maquahuitl (steel) | 13 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 6 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Great Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 21 gp | 1d10 | 2d6 | x3 | — | 8 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Great Maquahuitl (steel) | 40 gp | 2d6 | 3d6 | ×2 | — | 12 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Atlatl | 35 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | 50 ft. | 6 lb. | Piercing |
Darts, Atlatl (20) | 10 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- When creating a character of 2nd level or higher, you have missed the opportunity to attend Festivals.
- For every 2 ECL of the character you are creating, you get 1 Fest Point, which can be spent to gain benefits you would otherwise have to attend a festival to receive.
- Spending fest points just gives you access to the game option, you still have to pay all of the normal costs.
- You can hold onto these points to spend at a later date, but you do not continue to earn points as you level.
- These points can be spent in the following manner
- 4 points: You can take 1 prestige class. Contact a GM (for instance in the character-creation channel in the Discord), and we can give you information about your in-game trainer. You must meet all prerequisites. If the class has an in-game action/role-playing as a prerequisite, your character must be able to take at least three levels of the prestige class in order to be considered qualified. Otherwise the pre-requisite will need to be met during the course of play.
- 2 points: Using the new Buyback rules you can buyback 1 LA.
- Variable points: You can have someone perform spellcasting, manifesting, etc. services. You need to spend fest points totaling 1/2 of the total spell levels, 1/4 of the total expended power points, or an equivalent amount for equivalent abilities.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- The player starts with gold for their level as delineated in table 5-1 on page 135 of the DMG.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Custom items built using the rules in the DMG can not be built during pre-generation (however see the information on fest points above).
- When crafting a magic item the requirement to pay 1/25 the base cost in xp is removed. If a spell has an xp component, that xp cost must still be paid.
- For the purposes of this campaign, the Amulet of Mighty Fists reads as follows:
Amulet of Mighty Fists
This amulet can be enchanted as if it were a melee weapon. It must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. It follows the rules for enchanting melee weapons with the exception that all costs are increased by 50%. As such it can have as much as a +5 enhancement bonus, and up to a further +5 in melee weapon special abilities. It may not have dancing, throwing, or any other ability that relies on the weapon being separate from the body. It has room for one weapon augment crystal (see MIC).
When you place this amulet around your neck, pick one natural weapon type, or pick unarmed strike. The chosen melee attack gains the weapon enhancements from the amulet. The effect ends when you remove the amulet. You may change the chosen attack type by removing the amulet and replacing it. This is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
You may increase the type of attacks affected by reducing the Enhancement bonus (down to a minimum of +1); for each 1 you reduce the Enhancement bonus by, choose an additional melee natural weapon or unarmed trike that this amulet affects. You may not reduce/remove special abilities in order to increase the types of attacks affected.
The caster level of this item with a special ability is given in the description of the special ability. For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.Faint evocation; CL See Text; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 (+6), 147,000 (+7), 192,000 (+8), 243,000 (+9), 300,000 (+10)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 4 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 5th level character.
- Bugbear is a newly available race.
- Grimlock is a newly available race.
- Sahuagin (two-armed) is a newly available race.
- Sprite, Pixie without "Irresistable Dance" is a newly available race.
- Troglodyte is a newly available race.
- Half-Celestial is a newly available template.
- Half-Fiend is a newly available template.
- Demon, Dretch is not available as a race due to being from the Abyss.
- Lich is not an available template at this time.
- Lycanthrope is not an available template at this time.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Non-MM Races from the SRD (such as the Blue from the XPH) are not allowed at these levels.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The Healer base class has updated house rules here.
- The Favored Soul base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Warmage base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available unless creating an 8th level or higher character.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Align Fang, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Angelskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Baleful Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Benign Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bless Weapon, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Close Wounds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Conviction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Impending Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Demonhide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Protection, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Favorable Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guiding Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Holy Spurs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incite, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inhibit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lightfoot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lionheart, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Charge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Living Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Panacea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quick March, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revivify, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slashing Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Snake's Swiftness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tiger's Tooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Shadow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bigby's Slapping Hand, has been renamed to Slapping Hand and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Guided Arrow, has been renamed to Guided Shot and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee, has been renamed to Buzzing Bee and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Righteous Fury, has been renamed to Rhino's Rush and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Undeniable Gravity, has been renamed to Earthbind and can be found in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The duom is not available for purchase.
- The fullblade is not available for purchase.
- Sundark Goggles is a newly available piece of equipment.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- Races found on pp. 5—7 are available
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 3 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 4th level character.
- Aquatic Races
- Dwarf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Aquatic (UA) is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Human, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Arctic Races
- Dwarf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Desert Races
- Dwarf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Jungle Races
- Dwarf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Air
- Gnome, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Earth
- Dwarf, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Fire
- Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Hobgoblin, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Water
- Half-Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Aquatic Races
- The paragon classes found on pp. 32-46 are available SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available.
- The Other Class Variants on pp. 58-59 are explicitly NOT available. (These are the variants without a special name where you lose a class feature and gain a feature from a different class)
- The following class variants are available (pp. 47-58):
- Totem Barbarian (Unearthed Arcana type) (p. 48) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Bardic Sage (p. 49) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Divine Bard (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Cloistered Cleric (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Druidic Avenger (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Thug (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Fighting Styles Monk (p.52)
- Paladin of Freedom - See House Rules
- Paladin of Tyranny - See House Rules
- Planar Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Urban Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Wilderness Rogue (p. 56) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Battle Sorceror (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Domain Wizard (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- The prestige versions of Bard, Paladin, and Ranger (pp. 69-72) are available. These classes count the same as their PHB counterparts.
- Bard (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Paladin (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Ranger (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ghost-Faced Killer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Enforcer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- The Spymaster prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorb Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Accelerated Movement, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Allegro, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Mind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Balancing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blade Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bladeweave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bloodhound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Branch to branch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cacophonic Shield, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of the Sea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Critical Strike, the version in Complete Mage (CM) is not an update but a different spell which should be recorded as Critical Strike (CM) and is not available until that book is available.
- For the spell, Critical Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Daggerspell Stance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dirge of Discord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dissonant Chord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distort Speech, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distract Assailant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Insight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Climb, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Trail, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Embrace the Wild, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entangling Staff, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Exacting Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Focusing Chant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Foebane, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golem Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Grave Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guided Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Harmonic Chorus, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healthful Rest, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Herald's Call, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hindsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hymn of Praise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Improvisation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infernal Threnody, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insidious Rhythm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insightful Feint, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inspirational Boost, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Locksmith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Search, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Iron Silence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Joyful Noise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Coin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Mindless Rage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nightstalker's Transformation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Protégé, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Form, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sonic Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spectral Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Speechlink, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tactical Precision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Train Animal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vine Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wail of Doom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, War Cry, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wracking Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wraithstrike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For purposes of this campaign the Leap Attack feat reads as follows:
"You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack."
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Jump 8 ranks
Benefit: You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target you deal bonus damage equal to the attack penalty taken with your Power Attack feat (if you take a penalty of 5 to attack with Power Attack, you deal 5 bonus damage from Leap Attack). This is regardless of whether you are using a one-handed or two-handed weapon. - This attack must follow all the normal rules for using the Jump skill and for making a charge, except that you ignore rough terrain in any squares you jump over.
Note, there are two benefits to leap attack.
- The benefit to jump as part of a charge and ignore rough terrain jumped over, this can happen at any part of the charge.
- The benefit to deal extra damage based on Power Attack. This has the added requirement that the leap cover a minimum 10 ft. horizontal distance and end in a square from which you threaten the opponent.
Normal: You may not leap as part of a charge. You may not charge through rough terrain. You do not get additional damage just by leaping while charging.
- Alchemical capsules may be used to store potions, alchemical substances, and poisons.
- Such substances are limited to 1 oz of liquid (so something like tangelfoot wouldn't be a viable choice).
- This includes weapon alchemical capsules
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Warlock: 100 gp.
- Warmage: 75 gp.
- Wu Jen: 75 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Acolyte of the Skin prestige class is not permitted.
- The Alienist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Green Star Adept prestige class prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master Transmorgrifist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Suel Archanamach prestige class is not permitted.
- The Wayfarer Guide prestige class is not permitted.
- For Mage of the Arcane Order there are several guilds operating their own Spellpools. Which guild the player is part of is determined by which NPC trainer brought them in. By default only spells from the Player's Handbook are available, however there may be guilds that have different Spellpools.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorption, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aiming at the Target, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Wood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow of Bone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Backbiter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bands of Steel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blackfire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blink, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blistering Radiance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Corpse Candle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Darkvision, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Defenestrating Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Discern Shapechanger, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Duelward, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthen Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enhance Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Familiar Pocket, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fiendform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shield, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shuriken, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fist of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flensing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fortify Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Freezing Fog, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghostform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart Ripper, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ice Knife, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Illusory Pit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Low-light Vision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mage Armor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Force, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Assailants, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Prismatic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Programmed Amnesia, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reaving Dispel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reciprocal Gyre, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Refusal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resist Energy, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resonating Bolt, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Servant Horde, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Binding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritwall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stony Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Elemental Monolith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Swim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Deception, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Thornskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transfix, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transmute Rock to Lava, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unluck, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vitriolic Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Gloom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirling Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Withering Palm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Rot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Assay Resistance, has been renamed to Assay Spell Resistance and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Chameleon, has been renamed to Camouflage and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Force Whip, has been renamed to Sonic Whip and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Leomund's Hidden Lodge, has been renamed to Hidden Lodge and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Greater Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen, Greater and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Black Flame Zealot prestige class is not permitted.
- The Blighter prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master of Shrouds prestige class is superseded by the revised version listed in Libris Mortis, and not available to a 4th or 5th level character.
- The Void Disciple prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Anger of the Noonday Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Awaken, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beast Claws, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beget Bogun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Binding Winds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessed Aim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessing of Bahamut, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Body of the Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bottle of Smoke, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brain Spider, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brambles, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Briar Web, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Castigate, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Chain of Eyes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudwalkers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cometfall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contagious Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Crumble, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Ill Fortune, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dance of the Unicorn, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Decomposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Deific Vengeance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Detect Favored Enemy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Agility, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Doomtide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Vortex, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enveloping Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Wings, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fires of Purity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flame of Faith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golden Barding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Implacable Pursuer, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infestation of Maggots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Languor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Last Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mark of the Hunter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miasma, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Murderous Mist, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Avatar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Naturewatch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nimbus of Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Decoy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Disorientation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Bear, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Stag, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Wolf, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Thorns, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Vines, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Probe Thoughts, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quill Blast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Recitation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rejuvenation Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Renewal Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revenance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sacred Haven, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sandblast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scent, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Landscape, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Spell Resistance, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spikes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritual Chariot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Standing Wave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm of Elemental Fury, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm Tower, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stormrage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Subvert Planar Essence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Telepathic Bond, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tidal Surge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tortoise Shell, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Traveler's Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unbinding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unyielding Roots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Mass Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigorous Circle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Waterspout, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wave of Grief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weapon of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weather Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirlwind, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winged Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Wose, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- For the spell, Zeal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Zealot Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bane Bow, has been renamed to Foebane and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Divine Metamagic feat has the additional restriction:
- While the spell slot doesn't change, you must have access to a spell of the level equivalent of the spell and applied metamagic.
- For example, if you were to use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered Holy Smite you must be able to cast a 6th level divine spell (such as an 11th level Cleric with a Wisdom of 16 or higher). This stacks such that a 15th level Cleric with an 18 or higher Wisdom and both Divine Metamagic (Empower Spell) and Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell) could not use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite, even though he could individually cast an Empowered Holy Smite or a Quickened Holy Smite, because an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite would normally require a 10th level Spell Slot.
- Multiple Nightsticks do not "stack."
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Hexblade: 150 gp.
- Samurai: 50 gp.
- Swashbuckler: 150 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Eye of Gruumsh prestige class is not permitted.
- The Frenzied Bezerker prestige class is not permitted.
- The Purple Dragon Knight prestige class is retitled "Silver Dragon Knight", as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- The Ravager prestige class is not permitted.
- The Thayan Knight prestige class is not permitted, as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- For the Hulking Hurler, see this page for new rules on improvised weapon damage.
- For the Warshaper, you may only select one type of natural weapon for "Morphic Weapons" at any one time. If you choose a second natural weapon type,you lose the benefit of "Morphic Weapons" for the first type chosen.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Augment Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cursed Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Roar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Threat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Shock Trooper tactical Feat is unavailable.
- The spell Draconic Polymorph in the spell list on p. 268 is found in the Draconomicon (Dr) and isn't available until 6th level.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- Information on who grants Domains shown the Appendix: Domain Spells can be found here
- A double-weapon only has a single slot for an augment crystal, the effect of the crystal will affect both parts of the weapon.
- In addition to what's found in the book, the following properties are available:
Modular (Least)
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC 15) Transmutation
Activation: —Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
This object has the capability of attaching an additional augment crystal. When used on a double-weapon, the augment crystal only affects the part of the weapon for which this property was taken. An augment crystal attached to this slot is limited to being a least crystal. You may add this property more than once to have more slots.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Lesser) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least)Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
One of the slots created by Modular (Least) now can accept up to a lesser crystal. You may add this property more than once, up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Least). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property can now accept a lesser crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Greater) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong; (DC 23) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least), Modular (Lesser)
Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.One of the slots created by Modular (Least) and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) now can accept up to a greater crystal. You may add this property more than once (although to do so would require an epic item), up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Lesser). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) property can now accept a greater crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
- This book may not be used before 8th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- 6th-level characters start with 15,000 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #15.
- 6th-level characters start with 13,000 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 6th-level characters start with 3 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Feats Adapted from the Eberron Campaign Setting
- Knight Training
- Monastic Training
- Exceptional Artisan
- Extraordinary Artisan
- Legendary Artisan
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting p. 96)
Potion Belt 1GP, 1lb.: This sturdy leather belt similar to a bandoleer has pockets shaped to hold potion vials and is fitted with ties of flaps to keep the potions from falling out. It holds six potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Masterwork Potion Belt 60GP, 1lb.: This extremely well-made potion belt holds ten potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Shaders 1SP, —: These are googles of a sort that fit over am orc's eyes with a loop of leather tightened behind the ears. Made from a piece of wood or bamboo with a thin slot carved in it to see out of, shaders negate an orc's light sensitivty but impose a -1 penalty on Spot checks.
(Adapted from Races of Eberron p. 103)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Crude Maquahuitl | 14 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 10 lb. | Bludgeoning and Piercing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 100 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 75 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Exotic Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
One-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 7 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | — | 4 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Maquahuitl (steel) | 13 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 6 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Great Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 21 gp | 1d10 | 2d6 | x3 | — | 8 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Great Maquahuitl (steel) | 40 gp | 2d6 | 3d6 | ×2 | — | 12 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Atlatl | 35 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | 50 ft. | 6 lb. | Piercing |
Darts, Atlatl (20) | 10 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- When creating a character of 2nd level or higher, you have missed the opportunity to attend Festivals.
- For every 2 ECL of the character you are creating, you get 1 Fest Point, which can be spent to gain benefits you would otherwise have to attend a festival to receive.
- Spending fest points just gives you access to the game option, you still have to pay all of the normal costs.
- You can hold onto these points to spend at a later date, but you do not continue to earn points as you level.
- These points can be spent in the following manner
- 4 points: You can take 1 prestige class. Contact a GM (for instance in the character-creation channel in the Discord), and we can give you information about your in-game trainer. You must meet all prerequisites. If the class has an in-game action/role-playing as a prerequisite, your character must be able to take at least three levels of the prestige class in order to be considered qualified. Otherwise the pre-requisite will need to be met during the course of play.
- 2 points: Using the new Buyback rules you can buyback 1 LA.
- Variable points: You can have someone perform spellcasting, manifesting, etc. services. You need to spend fest points totaling 1/2 of the total spell levels, 1/4 of the total expended power points, or an equivalent amount for equivalent abilities.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- The player starts with gold for their level as delineated in table 5-1 on page 135 of the DMG.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The "Leadership" feat is subject to the the following modification for this campaign: "Regardless of a character’s Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most one-half (rounding down) the character's level."
- Custom items built using the rules in the DMG can not be built during pre-generation (however see the information on fest points above).
- When crafting a magic item the requirement to pay 1/25 the base cost in xp is removed. If a spell has an xp component, that xp cost must still be paid.
- For the purposes of this campaign, the Amulet of Mighty Fists reads as follows:
Amulet of Mighty Fists
This amulet can be enchanted as if it were a melee weapon. It must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. It follows the rules for enchanting melee weapons with the exception that all costs are increased by 50%. As such it can have as much as a +5 enhancement bonus, and up to a further +5 in melee weapon special abilities. It may not have dancing, throwing, or any other ability that relies on the weapon being separate from the body. It has room for one weapon augment crystal (see MIC).
When you place this amulet around your neck, pick one natural weapon type, or pick unarmed strike. The chosen melee attack gains the weapon enhancements from the amulet. The effect ends when you remove the amulet. You may change the chosen attack type by removing the amulet and replacing it. This is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
You may increase the type of attacks affected by reducing the Enhancement bonus (down to a minimum of +1); for each 1 you reduce the Enhancement bonus by, choose an additional melee natural weapon or unarmed trike that this amulet affects. You may not reduce/remove special abilities in order to increase the types of attacks affected.
The caster level of this item with a special ability is given in the description of the special ability. For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.Faint evocation; CL See Text; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 (+6), 147,000 (+7), 192,000 (+8), 243,000 (+9), 300,000 (+10)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 5 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 6th level character.
- Kuo-Toa is a newly available race.
- Sahuagin (four-armed) is a newly available race.
- Triton is a newly available race.
- Lycanthrope, Wererat (Natural) is a newly available template option.
- Lycanthrope, Werewolf (Natural) is a newly available template option.
- Dragon, Wyrmling White is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Krenshar are not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Pseudodragon is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Worg is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Derro are not available as a race until at least one is restored to sanity during the campaign.
- Ghost is not an available template at this time.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Non-MM Races from the SRD (such as the Blue from the XPH) are not allowed at these levels.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The Healer base class has updated house rules here.
- The Favored Soul base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Warmage base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available unless creating an 8th level or higher character.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Align Fang, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Angelskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Baleful Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Benign Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bless Weapon, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Close Wounds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Conviction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Impending Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Demonhide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Protection, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Favorable Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guiding Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Holy Spurs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incite, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inhibit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lightfoot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lionheart, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Charge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Living Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Panacea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quick March, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revivify, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slashing Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Snake's Swiftness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tiger's Tooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Shadow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bigby's Slapping Hand, has been renamed to Slapping Hand and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Guided Arrow, has been renamed to Guided Shot and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee, has been renamed to Buzzing Bee and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Righteous Fury, has been renamed to Rhino's Rush and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Undeniable Gravity, has been renamed to Earthbind and can be found in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The duom is not available for purchase.
- The fullblade is not available for purchase.
- Sundark Goggles is a newly available piece of equipment.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- Races found on pp. 5—7 are available
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 3 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 4th level character.
- Aquatic Races
- Dwarf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Aquatic (UA) is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Human, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Arctic Races
- Dwarf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Desert Races
- Dwarf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Jungle Races
- Dwarf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Air
- Gnome, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Earth
- Dwarf, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Fire
- Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Hobgoblin, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Water
- Half-Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Aquatic Races
- The paragon classes found on pp. 32-46 are available SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available.
- The Other Class Variants on pp. 58-59 are explicitly NOT available. (These are the variants without a special name where you lose a class feature and gain a feature from a different class)
- The following class variants are available (pp. 47-58):
- Totem Barbarian (Unearthed Arcana type) (p. 48) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Bardic Sage (p. 49) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Divine Bard (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Cloistered Cleric (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Druidic Avenger (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Thug (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Fighting Styles Monk (p.52)
- Paladin of Freedom - See House Rules
- Paladin of Tyranny - See House Rules
- Planar Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Urban Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Wilderness Rogue (p. 56) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Battle Sorceror (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Domain Wizard (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- The prestige versions of Bard, Paladin, and Ranger (pp. 69-72) are available. These classes count the same as their PHB counterparts.
- Bard (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Paladin (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Ranger (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ghost-Faced Killer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Enforcer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- The Spymaster prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorb Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Accelerated Movement, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Allegro, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Mind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Balancing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blade Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bladeweave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bloodhound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Branch to branch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cacophonic Shield, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of the Sea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Critical Strike, the version in Complete Mage (CM) is not an update but a different spell which should be recorded as Critical Strike (CM) and is not available until that book is available.
- For the spell, Critical Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Daggerspell Stance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dirge of Discord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dissonant Chord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distort Speech, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distract Assailant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Insight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Climb, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Trail, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Embrace the Wild, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entangling Staff, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Exacting Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Focusing Chant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Foebane, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golem Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Grave Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guided Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Harmonic Chorus, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healthful Rest, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Herald's Call, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hindsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hymn of Praise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Improvisation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infernal Threnody, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insidious Rhythm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insightful Feint, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inspirational Boost, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Locksmith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Search, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Iron Silence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Joyful Noise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Coin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Mindless Rage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nightstalker's Transformation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Protégé, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Form, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sonic Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spectral Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Speechlink, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tactical Precision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Train Animal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vine Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wail of Doom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, War Cry, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wracking Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wraithstrike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For purposes of this campaign the Leap Attack feat reads as follows:
"You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack."
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Jump 8 ranks
Benefit: You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target you deal bonus damage equal to the attack penalty taken with your Power Attack feat (if you take a penalty of 5 to attack with Power Attack, you deal 5 bonus damage from Leap Attack). This is regardless of whether you are using a one-handed or two-handed weapon. - This attack must follow all the normal rules for using the Jump skill and for making a charge, except that you ignore rough terrain in any squares you jump over.
Note, there are two benefits to leap attack.
- The benefit to jump as part of a charge and ignore rough terrain jumped over, this can happen at any part of the charge.
- The benefit to deal extra damage based on Power Attack. This has the added requirement that the leap cover a minimum 10 ft. horizontal distance and end in a square from which you threaten the opponent.
Normal: You may not leap as part of a charge. You may not charge through rough terrain. You do not get additional damage just by leaping while charging.
- Alchemical capsules may be used to store potions, alchemical substances, and poisons.
- Such substances are limited to 1 oz of liquid (so something like tangelfoot wouldn't be a viable choice).
- This includes weapon alchemical capsules
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Warlock: 100 gp.
- Warmage: 75 gp.
- Wu Jen: 75 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Acolyte of the Skin prestige class is not permitted.
- The Alienist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Green Star Adept prestige class prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master Transmorgrifist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Suel Archanamach prestige class is not permitted.
- The Wayfarer Guide prestige class is not permitted.
- For Mage of the Arcane Order there are several guilds operating their own Spellpools. Which guild the player is part of is determined by which NPC trainer brought them in. By default only spells from the Player's Handbook are available, however there may be guilds that have different Spellpools.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorption, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aiming at the Target, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Wood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow of Bone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Backbiter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bands of Steel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blackfire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blink, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blistering Radiance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Corpse Candle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Darkvision, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Defenestrating Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Discern Shapechanger, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Duelward, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthen Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enhance Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Familiar Pocket, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fiendform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shield, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shuriken, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fist of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flensing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fortify Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Freezing Fog, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghostform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart Ripper, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ice Knife, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Illusory Pit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Low-light Vision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mage Armor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Force, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Assailants, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Prismatic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Programmed Amnesia, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reaving Dispel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reciprocal Gyre, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Refusal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resist Energy, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resonating Bolt, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Servant Horde, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Binding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritwall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stony Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Elemental Monolith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Swim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Deception, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Thornskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transfix, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transmute Rock to Lava, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unluck, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vitriolic Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Gloom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirling Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Withering Palm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Rot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Assay Resistance, has been renamed to Assay Spell Resistance and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Chameleon, has been renamed to Camouflage and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Force Whip, has been renamed to Sonic Whip and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Leomund's Hidden Lodge, has been renamed to Hidden Lodge and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Greater Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen, Greater and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Black Flame Zealot prestige class is not permitted.
- The Blighter prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master of Shrouds prestige class is superseded by the revised version listed in Libris Mortis, and not available to a 4th or 5th level character.
- The Void Disciple prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Anger of the Noonday Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Awaken, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beast Claws, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beget Bogun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Binding Winds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessed Aim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessing of Bahamut, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Body of the Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bottle of Smoke, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brain Spider, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brambles, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Briar Web, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Castigate, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Chain of Eyes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudwalkers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cometfall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contagious Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Crumble, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Ill Fortune, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dance of the Unicorn, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Decomposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Deific Vengeance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Detect Favored Enemy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Agility, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Doomtide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Vortex, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enveloping Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Wings, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fires of Purity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flame of Faith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golden Barding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Implacable Pursuer, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infestation of Maggots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Languor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Last Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mark of the Hunter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miasma, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Murderous Mist, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Avatar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Naturewatch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nimbus of Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Decoy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Disorientation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Bear, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Stag, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Wolf, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Thorns, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Vines, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Probe Thoughts, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quill Blast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Recitation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rejuvenation Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Renewal Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revenance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sacred Haven, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sandblast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scent, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Landscape, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Spell Resistance, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spikes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritual Chariot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Standing Wave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm of Elemental Fury, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm Tower, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stormrage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Subvert Planar Essence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Telepathic Bond, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tidal Surge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tortoise Shell, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Traveler's Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unbinding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unyielding Roots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Mass Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigorous Circle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Waterspout, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wave of Grief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weapon of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weather Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirlwind, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winged Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Wose, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- For the spell, Zeal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Zealot Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bane Bow, has been renamed to Foebane and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Divine Metamagic feat has the additional restriction:
- While the spell slot doesn't change, you must have access to a spell of the level equivalent of the spell and applied metamagic.
- For example, if you were to use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered Holy Smite you must be able to cast a 6th level divine spell (such as an 11th level Cleric with a Wisdom of 16 or higher). This stacks such that a 15th level Cleric with an 18 or higher Wisdom and both Divine Metamagic (Empower Spell) and Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell) could not use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite, even though he could individually cast an Empowered Holy Smite or a Quickened Holy Smite, because an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite would normally require a 10th level Spell Slot.
- Multiple Nightsticks do not "stack."
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Hexblade: 150 gp.
- Samurai: 50 gp.
- Swashbuckler: 150 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Eye of Gruumsh prestige class is not permitted.
- The Frenzied Bezerker prestige class is not permitted.
- The Purple Dragon Knight prestige class is retitled "Silver Dragon Knight", as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- The Ravager prestige class is not permitted.
- The Thayan Knight prestige class is not permitted, as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- For the Hulking Hurler, see this page for new rules on improvised weapon damage.
- For the Warshaper, you may only select one type of natural weapon for "Morphic Weapons" at any one time. If you choose a second natural weapon type,you lose the benefit of "Morphic Weapons" for the first type chosen.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Augment Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cursed Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Roar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Threat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Shock Trooper tactical Feat is unavailable.
- The spell Draconic Polymorph in the spell list on p. 268 is found in the Draconomicon (Dr) and isn't available until 6th level.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- Information on who grants Domains shown the Appendix: Domain Spells can be found here
- A double-weapon only has a single slot for an augment crystal, the effect of the crystal will affect both parts of the weapon.
- In addition to what's found in the book, the following properties are available:
Modular (Least)
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC 15) Transmutation
Activation: —Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
This object has the capability of attaching an additional augment crystal. When used on a double-weapon, the augment crystal only affects the part of the weapon for which this property was taken. An augment crystal attached to this slot is limited to being a least crystal. You may add this property more than once to have more slots.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Lesser) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least)Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
One of the slots created by Modular (Least) now can accept up to a lesser crystal. You may add this property more than once, up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Least). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property can now accept a lesser crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Greater) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong; (DC 23) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least), Modular (Lesser)
Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.One of the slots created by Modular (Least) and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) now can accept up to a greater crystal. You may add this property more than once (although to do so would require an epic item), up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Lesser). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) property can now accept a greater crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Player's Handbook II (PH2)
- The Beguiler is a newly available core class.
- Beguilers may use new spells in the PH2 that are on the Beguiler spell list. Other classes may not use these spells at this character level even if they are on that class's list unless otherwise noted in these rules.
- The Dragon Shaman is a newly available core class.
- The Duskblade is a newly available core class.
- Duskblades may use new spells in the PH2 that are on the Duskblade spell list. Other classes may not use these spells at this character level even if they are on that class's list unless otherwise noted in these rules.
- The Knight is a newly available core class.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- The Beguiler is a newly available core class.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Cityscape (Ci)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ebonmar Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Dungeonscape (Du)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Dungeon Lord prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Cryokineticist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Winterhaunt of Iborighu prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Chosen of Iborighu" feat is not permitted
- The Following spells are banned
- The "Ice Assassin" spell is not permitted.
- The "Fimbulwinter" spell is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Snow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticold Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mantle of the Icy Soul, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winter's Embrace, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Sandshaper prestige class is not permitted.
- The Walker in the Waste prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Drift Magic" feat is not permitted.
- The "Touchstone" feat is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Transcribe Symbol, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Sand, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Shapesand, a special material, cannot be used to emulate splash weapons, explosives, or any alchemical items.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Unholy Ravager of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- The Talon of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antidragon Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antimagic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Evasion, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Terror, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blinding Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cheat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contingent Energy Resistance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dispelling Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Draconic Might, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enervating Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entice Gift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ethereal Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fell the Greatest Foe, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Find the gap, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flight of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hide From Dragons, use the updated version in Dragonmarked (Dra).
- For the spell, Hide from Dragons, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hiss of Sleep, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imperious Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Maddening Whispers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Magic Fang, Superior, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mesmerizing Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miser's Envy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Thief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Razorfangs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rebuking Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scale Weakening, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scintillating Scales, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sharptooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shield of Warding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Suppress Breath Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Voice of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vulnerability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wingbind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scatterspray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- All [EPIC] feats are not available.
- All [metabreath] feats have the pre-requisite of "breath weapon" changed to "breath weapon, minimum twice/day".
- The "Large and in Charge" feat is not available.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Cohort" feat reads as follows:
- "You gain service of a loyal dragon ally"
- Prerequisite: Character Level 9th, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic
- Benefit: You gain a cohort with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Leadership feat and subject to the same restrictions. However, regardless of a character's Leadership score, they can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's level.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Familiar" feat reads as follows:
- "When you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may select a wyrmling true dragon, or a tiny non-true dragon as a familiar"
- Prerequisite: Charisma 13, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic, Arcane Caster Level 7th, ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment.
- Benefit: You gain a familiar with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Improved Familiar feat. However, the only familiars available with this feat are creatures size Tiny or smaller with the Dragon Type and true dragons that are in the wyrmling age category. In order to take a Dragon as a familiar, if it naturally has an Intelligence higher than 3 or is not Neutral, your alignment must match the alignment in the creatures' stat block. Further, you can only gain a familiar whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's arcane caster level. A creature's ECL is the greater of their Challenge Rating plus 2 or the sum of their Hit Dice and Level Adjustment (if any).
- Normal: When gaining a familiar, you are limited to the animals listed in the PHB.
- The "Sense Weakness" feat is not available.
- This book may not be used before 8th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- It is strongly recommended you do not make a 7th level character, module availability will be such that it will not be necessary
- 7th-level characters start with 22,800 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #19.
- 7th-level characters start with 19,000 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 7th-level characters start with 3 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Feats Adapted from the Eberron Campaign Setting
- Knight Training
- Monastic Training
- Exceptional Artisan
- Extraordinary Artisan
- Legendary Artisan
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting p. 96)
Potion Belt 1GP, 1lb.: This sturdy leather belt similar to a bandoleer has pockets shaped to hold potion vials and is fitted with ties of flaps to keep the potions from falling out. It holds six potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Masterwork Potion Belt 60GP, 1lb.: This extremely well-made potion belt holds ten potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Shaders 1SP, —: These are googles of a sort that fit over am orc's eyes with a loop of leather tightened behind the ears. Made from a piece of wood or bamboo with a thin slot carved in it to see out of, shaders negate an orc's light sensitivty but impose a -1 penalty on Spot checks.
(Adapted from Races of Eberron p. 103)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Crude Maquahuitl | 14 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 10 lb. | Bludgeoning and Piercing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 100 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 75 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Exotic Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
One-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 7 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | — | 4 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Maquahuitl (steel) | 13 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 6 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Great Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 21 gp | 1d10 | 2d6 | x3 | — | 8 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Great Maquahuitl (steel) | 40 gp | 2d6 | 3d6 | ×2 | — | 12 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Atlatl | 35 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | 50 ft. | 6 lb. | Piercing |
Darts, Atlatl (20) | 10 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- When creating a character of 2nd level or higher, you have missed the opportunity to attend Festivals.
- For every 2 ECL of the character you are creating, you get 1 Fest Point, which can be spent to gain benefits you would otherwise have to attend a festival to receive.
- Spending fest points just gives you access to the game option, you still have to pay all of the normal costs.
- You can hold onto these points to spend at a later date, but you do not continue to earn points as you level.
- These points can be spent in the following manner
- 4 points: You can take 1 prestige class. Contact a GM (for instance in the character-creation channel in the Discord), and we can give you information about your in-game trainer. You must meet all prerequisites. If the class has an in-game action/role-playing as a prerequisite, your character must be able to take at least three levels of the prestige class in order to be considered qualified. Otherwise the pre-requisite will need to be met during the course of play.
- 2 points: Using the new Buyback rules you can buyback 1 LA.
- Variable points: You can have someone perform spellcasting, manifesting, etc. services. You need to spend fest points totaling 1/2 of the total spell levels, 1/4 of the total expended power points, or an equivalent amount for equivalent abilities.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- The player starts with gold for their level as delineated in table 5-1 on page 135 of the DMG.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The "Leadership" feat is subject to the the following modification for this campaign: "Regardless of a character’s Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most one-half (rounding down) the character's level."
- Custom items built using the rules in the DMG can not be built during pre-generation (however see the information on fest points above).
- When crafting a magic item the requirement to pay 1/25 the base cost in xp is removed. If a spell has an xp component, that xp cost must still be paid.
- For the purposes of this campaign, the Amulet of Mighty Fists reads as follows:
Amulet of Mighty Fists
This amulet can be enchanted as if it were a melee weapon. It must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. It follows the rules for enchanting melee weapons with the exception that all costs are increased by 50%. As such it can have as much as a +5 enhancement bonus, and up to a further +5 in melee weapon special abilities. It may not have dancing, throwing, or any other ability that relies on the weapon being separate from the body. It has room for one weapon augment crystal (see MIC).
When you place this amulet around your neck, pick one natural weapon type, or pick unarmed strike. The chosen melee attack gains the weapon enhancements from the amulet. The effect ends when you remove the amulet. You may change the chosen attack type by removing the amulet and replacing it. This is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
You may increase the type of attacks affected by reducing the Enhancement bonus (down to a minimum of +1); for each 1 you reduce the Enhancement bonus by, choose an additional melee natural weapon or unarmed trike that this amulet affects. You may not reduce/remove special abilities in order to increase the types of attacks affected.
The caster level of this item with a special ability is given in the description of the special ability. For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.Faint evocation; CL See Text; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 (+6), 147,000 (+7), 192,000 (+8), 243,000 (+9), 300,000 (+10)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 6 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 7th level character.
- Centaur is a newly available race.
- Ogre is a newly available race.
- Skum is a newly available race.
- Sprite, Pixie with "Irresistable Dance" is a newly available race.
- Yuan-Ti Pureblood is a newly available race.
- Lycanthrope, Wereboar (Natural) is a newly available template option.
- Blink Dog is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Dragon, Wyrmling Brass is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Eagle, Giant is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Air is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Air. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Dust is not available as a race due to being from the Quasi-elemental Plane of Dust. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Earth is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Earth. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Fire is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Fire. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Ice is not available as a race due to being from the Para-elemental Plane of Ice. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Magma is not available as a race due to being from the Para-elemental Plane of Magma. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Ooze is not available as a race due to being from the Para-elemental Plane of Ooze. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Salt is not available as a race due to being from the Quasi-elemental Plane of Salt. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Steam is not available as a race due to being from the Quasi-elemental Plane of Steam. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Mephit, Water is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Water. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Owl, Giant is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Owlbear is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Yeth Hound is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Azer is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Non-MM Races from the SRD (such as the Blue from the XPH) are not allowed at these levels.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The Healer base class has updated house rules here.
- The Favored Soul base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Warmage base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available unless creating an 8th level or higher character.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Align Fang, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Angelskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Baleful Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Benign Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bless Weapon, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Close Wounds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Conviction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Impending Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Demonhide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Protection, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Favorable Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guiding Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Holy Spurs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incite, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inhibit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lightfoot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lionheart, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Charge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Living Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Panacea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quick March, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revivify, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slashing Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Snake's Swiftness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tiger's Tooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Shadow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bigby's Slapping Hand, has been renamed to Slapping Hand and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Guided Arrow, has been renamed to Guided Shot and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee, has been renamed to Buzzing Bee and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Righteous Fury, has been renamed to Rhino's Rush and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Undeniable Gravity, has been renamed to Earthbind and can be found in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The duom is not available for purchase.
- The fullblade is not available for purchase.
- Sundark Goggles is a newly available piece of equipment.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- Races found on pp. 5—7 are available
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 3 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 4th level character.
- Aquatic Races
- Dwarf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Aquatic (UA) is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Human, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Arctic Races
- Dwarf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Desert Races
- Dwarf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Jungle Races
- Dwarf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Air
- Gnome, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Earth
- Dwarf, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Fire
- Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Hobgoblin, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Water
- Half-Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Aquatic Races
- The paragon classes found on pp. 32-46 are available SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available.
- The Other Class Variants on pp. 58-59 are explicitly NOT available. (These are the variants without a special name where you lose a class feature and gain a feature from a different class)
- The following class variants are available (pp. 47-58):
- Totem Barbarian (Unearthed Arcana type) (p. 48) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Bardic Sage (p. 49) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Divine Bard (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Cloistered Cleric (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Druidic Avenger (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Thug (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Fighting Styles Monk (p.52)
- Paladin of Freedom - See House Rules
- Paladin of Tyranny - See House Rules
- Planar Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Urban Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Wilderness Rogue (p. 56) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Battle Sorceror (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Domain Wizard (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- The prestige versions of Bard, Paladin, and Ranger (pp. 69-72) are available. These classes count the same as their PHB counterparts.
- Bard (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Paladin (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Ranger (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ghost-Faced Killer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Enforcer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- The Spymaster prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorb Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Accelerated Movement, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Allegro, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Mind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Balancing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blade Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bladeweave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bloodhound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Branch to branch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cacophonic Shield, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of the Sea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Critical Strike, the version in Complete Mage (CM) is not an update but a different spell which should be recorded as Critical Strike (CM) and is not available until that book is available.
- For the spell, Critical Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Daggerspell Stance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dirge of Discord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dissonant Chord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distort Speech, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distract Assailant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Insight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Climb, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Trail, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Embrace the Wild, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entangling Staff, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Exacting Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Focusing Chant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Foebane, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golem Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Grave Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guided Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Harmonic Chorus, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healthful Rest, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Herald's Call, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hindsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hymn of Praise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Improvisation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infernal Threnody, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insidious Rhythm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insightful Feint, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inspirational Boost, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Locksmith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Search, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Iron Silence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Joyful Noise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Coin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Mindless Rage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nightstalker's Transformation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Protégé, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Form, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sonic Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spectral Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Speechlink, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tactical Precision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Train Animal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vine Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wail of Doom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, War Cry, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wracking Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wraithstrike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For purposes of this campaign the Leap Attack feat reads as follows:
"You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack."
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Jump 8 ranks
Benefit: You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target you deal bonus damage equal to the attack penalty taken with your Power Attack feat (if you take a penalty of 5 to attack with Power Attack, you deal 5 bonus damage from Leap Attack). This is regardless of whether you are using a one-handed or two-handed weapon. - This attack must follow all the normal rules for using the Jump skill and for making a charge, except that you ignore rough terrain in any squares you jump over.
Note, there are two benefits to leap attack.
- The benefit to jump as part of a charge and ignore rough terrain jumped over, this can happen at any part of the charge.
- The benefit to deal extra damage based on Power Attack. This has the added requirement that the leap cover a minimum 10 ft. horizontal distance and end in a square from which you threaten the opponent.
Normal: You may not leap as part of a charge. You may not charge through rough terrain. You do not get additional damage just by leaping while charging.
- Alchemical capsules may be used to store potions, alchemical substances, and poisons.
- Such substances are limited to 1 oz of liquid (so something like tangelfoot wouldn't be a viable choice).
- This includes weapon alchemical capsules
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Warlock: 100 gp.
- Warmage: 75 gp.
- Wu Jen: 75 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Acolyte of the Skin prestige class is not permitted.
- The Alienist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Green Star Adept prestige class prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master Transmorgrifist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Suel Archanamach prestige class is not permitted.
- The Wayfarer Guide prestige class is not permitted.
- For Mage of the Arcane Order there are several guilds operating their own Spellpools. Which guild the player is part of is determined by which NPC trainer brought them in. By default only spells from the Player's Handbook are available, however there may be guilds that have different Spellpools.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorption, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aiming at the Target, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Wood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow of Bone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Backbiter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bands of Steel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blackfire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blink, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blistering Radiance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Corpse Candle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Darkvision, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Defenestrating Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Discern Shapechanger, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Duelward, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthen Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enhance Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Familiar Pocket, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fiendform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shield, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shuriken, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fist of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flensing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fortify Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Freezing Fog, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghostform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart Ripper, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ice Knife, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Illusory Pit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Low-light Vision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mage Armor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Force, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Assailants, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Prismatic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Programmed Amnesia, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reaving Dispel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reciprocal Gyre, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Refusal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resist Energy, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resonating Bolt, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Servant Horde, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Binding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritwall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stony Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Elemental Monolith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Swim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Deception, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Thornskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transfix, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transmute Rock to Lava, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unluck, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vitriolic Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Gloom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirling Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Withering Palm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Rot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Assay Resistance, has been renamed to Assay Spell Resistance and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Chameleon, has been renamed to Camouflage and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Force Whip, has been renamed to Sonic Whip and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Leomund's Hidden Lodge, has been renamed to Hidden Lodge and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Greater Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen, Greater and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Black Flame Zealot prestige class is not permitted.
- The Blighter prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master of Shrouds prestige class is superseded by the revised version listed in Libris Mortis, and not available to a 4th or 5th level character.
- The Void Disciple prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Anger of the Noonday Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Awaken, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beast Claws, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beget Bogun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Binding Winds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessed Aim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessing of Bahamut, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Body of the Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bottle of Smoke, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brain Spider, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brambles, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Briar Web, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Castigate, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Chain of Eyes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudwalkers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cometfall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contagious Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Crumble, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Ill Fortune, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dance of the Unicorn, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Decomposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Deific Vengeance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Detect Favored Enemy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Agility, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Doomtide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Vortex, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enveloping Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Wings, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fires of Purity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flame of Faith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golden Barding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Implacable Pursuer, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infestation of Maggots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Languor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Last Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mark of the Hunter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miasma, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Murderous Mist, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Avatar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Naturewatch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nimbus of Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Decoy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Disorientation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Bear, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Stag, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Wolf, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Thorns, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Vines, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Probe Thoughts, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quill Blast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Recitation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rejuvenation Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Renewal Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revenance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sacred Haven, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sandblast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scent, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Landscape, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Spell Resistance, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spikes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritual Chariot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Standing Wave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm of Elemental Fury, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm Tower, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stormrage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Subvert Planar Essence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Telepathic Bond, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tidal Surge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tortoise Shell, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Traveler's Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unbinding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unyielding Roots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Mass Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigorous Circle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Waterspout, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wave of Grief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weapon of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weather Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirlwind, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winged Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Wose, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- For the spell, Zeal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Zealot Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bane Bow, has been renamed to Foebane and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Divine Metamagic feat has the additional restriction:
- While the spell slot doesn't change, you must have access to a spell of the level equivalent of the spell and applied metamagic.
- For example, if you were to use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered Holy Smite you must be able to cast a 6th level divine spell (such as an 11th level Cleric with a Wisdom of 16 or higher). This stacks such that a 15th level Cleric with an 18 or higher Wisdom and both Divine Metamagic (Empower Spell) and Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell) could not use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite, even though he could individually cast an Empowered Holy Smite or a Quickened Holy Smite, because an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite would normally require a 10th level Spell Slot.
- Multiple Nightsticks do not "stack."
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Hexblade: 150 gp.
- Samurai: 50 gp.
- Swashbuckler: 150 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Eye of Gruumsh prestige class is not permitted.
- The Frenzied Bezerker prestige class is not permitted.
- The Purple Dragon Knight prestige class is retitled "Silver Dragon Knight", as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- The Ravager prestige class is not permitted.
- The Thayan Knight prestige class is not permitted, as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- For the Hulking Hurler, see this page for new rules on improvised weapon damage.
- For the Warshaper, you may only select one type of natural weapon for "Morphic Weapons" at any one time. If you choose a second natural weapon type,you lose the benefit of "Morphic Weapons" for the first type chosen.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Augment Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cursed Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Roar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Threat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Shock Trooper tactical Feat is unavailable.
- The spell Draconic Polymorph in the spell list on p. 268 is found in the Draconomicon (Dr) and isn't available until 6th level.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- Information on who grants Domains shown the Appendix: Domain Spells can be found here
- A double-weapon only has a single slot for an augment crystal, the effect of the crystal will affect both parts of the weapon.
- In addition to what's found in the book, the following properties are available:
Modular (Least)
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC 15) Transmutation
Activation: —Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
This object has the capability of attaching an additional augment crystal. When used on a double-weapon, the augment crystal only affects the part of the weapon for which this property was taken. An augment crystal attached to this slot is limited to being a least crystal. You may add this property more than once to have more slots.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Lesser) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least)Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
One of the slots created by Modular (Least) now can accept up to a lesser crystal. You may add this property more than once, up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Least). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property can now accept a lesser crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Greater) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong; (DC 23) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least), Modular (Lesser)
Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.One of the slots created by Modular (Least) and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) now can accept up to a greater crystal. You may add this property more than once (although to do so would require an epic item), up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Lesser). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) property can now accept a greater crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Player's Handbook II (PH2)
- The Beguiler is a newly available core class.
- Beguilers may use new spells in the PH2 that are on the Beguiler spell list. Other classes may not use these spells at this character level even if they are on that class's list unless otherwise noted in these rules.
- The Dragon Shaman is a newly available core class.
- The Duskblade is a newly available core class.
- Duskblades may use new spells in the PH2 that are on the Duskblade spell list. Other classes may not use these spells at this character level even if they are on that class's list unless otherwise noted in these rules.
- The Knight is a newly available core class.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- The Beguiler is a newly available core class.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Cityscape (Ci)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ebonmar Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Dungeonscape (Du)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Dungeon Lord prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Cryokineticist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Winterhaunt of Iborighu prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Chosen of Iborighu" feat is not permitted
- The Following spells are banned
- The "Ice Assassin" spell is not permitted.
- The "Fimbulwinter" spell is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Snow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticold Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mantle of the Icy Soul, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winter's Embrace, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Sandshaper prestige class is not permitted.
- The Walker in the Waste prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Drift Magic" feat is not permitted.
- The "Touchstone" feat is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Transcribe Symbol, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Sand, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Shapesand, a special material, cannot be used to emulate splash weapons, explosives, or any alchemical items.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Unholy Ravager of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- The Talon of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antidragon Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antimagic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Evasion, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Terror, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blinding Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cheat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contingent Energy Resistance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dispelling Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Draconic Might, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enervating Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entice Gift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ethereal Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fell the Greatest Foe, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Find the gap, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flight of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hide From Dragons, use the updated version in Dragonmarked (Dra).
- For the spell, Hide from Dragons, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hiss of Sleep, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imperious Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Maddening Whispers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Magic Fang, Superior, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mesmerizing Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miser's Envy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Thief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Razorfangs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rebuking Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scale Weakening, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scintillating Scales, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sharptooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shield of Warding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Suppress Breath Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Voice of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vulnerability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wingbind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scatterspray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- All [EPIC] feats are not available.
- All [metabreath] feats have the pre-requisite of "breath weapon" changed to "breath weapon, minimum twice/day".
- The "Large and in Charge" feat is not available.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Cohort" feat reads as follows:
- "You gain service of a loyal dragon ally"
- Prerequisite: Character Level 9th, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic
- Benefit: You gain a cohort with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Leadership feat and subject to the same restrictions. However, regardless of a character's Leadership score, they can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's level.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Familiar" feat reads as follows:
- "When you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may select a wyrmling true dragon, or a tiny non-true dragon as a familiar"
- Prerequisite: Charisma 13, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic, Arcane Caster Level 7th, ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment.
- Benefit: You gain a familiar with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Improved Familiar feat. However, the only familiars available with this feat are creatures size Tiny or smaller with the Dragon Type and true dragons that are in the wyrmling age category. In order to take a Dragon as a familiar, if it naturally has an Intelligence higher than 3 or is not Neutral, your alignment must match the alignment in the creatures' stat block. Further, you can only gain a familiar whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's arcane caster level. A creature's ECL is the greater of their Challenge Rating plus 2 or the sum of their Hit Dice and Level Adjustment (if any).
- Normal: When gaining a familiar, you are limited to the animals listed in the PHB.
- The "Sense Weakness" feat is not available.
- This book may not be used before 8th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- 8th-level characters start with 29,700 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #22.
- 8th-level characters start with 27,000 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 8th-level characters start with 4 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Feats Adapted from the Eberron Campaign Setting
- Knight Training
- Monastic Training
- Exceptional Artisan
- Extraordinary Artisan
- Legendary Artisan
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting p. 96)
Potion Belt 1GP, 1lb.: This sturdy leather belt similar to a bandoleer has pockets shaped to hold potion vials and is fitted with ties of flaps to keep the potions from falling out. It holds six potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Masterwork Potion Belt 60GP, 1lb.: This extremely well-made potion belt holds ten potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Shaders 1SP, —: These are googles of a sort that fit over am orc's eyes with a loop of leather tightened behind the ears. Made from a piece of wood or bamboo with a thin slot carved in it to see out of, shaders negate an orc's light sensitivty but impose a -1 penalty on Spot checks.
(Adapted from Races of Eberron p. 103)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Crude Maquahuitl | 14 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 10 lb. | Bludgeoning and Piercing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 100 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 75 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Exotic Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
One-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 7 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | — | 4 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Maquahuitl (steel) | 13 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 6 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Great Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 21 gp | 1d10 | 2d6 | x3 | — | 8 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Great Maquahuitl (steel) | 40 gp | 2d6 | 3d6 | ×2 | — | 12 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Atlatl | 35 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | 50 ft. | 6 lb. | Piercing |
Darts, Atlatl (20) | 10 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- When creating a character of 2nd level or higher, you have missed the opportunity to attend Festivals.
- For every 2 ECL of the character you are creating, you get 1 Fest Point, which can be spent to gain benefits you would otherwise have to attend a festival to receive.
- Spending fest points just gives you access to the game option, you still have to pay all of the normal costs.
- You can hold onto these points to spend at a later date, but you do not continue to earn points as you level.
- These points can be spent in the following manner
- 4 points: You can take 1 prestige class. Contact a GM (for instance in the character-creation channel in the Discord), and we can give you information about your in-game trainer. You must meet all prerequisites. If the class has an in-game action/role-playing as a prerequisite, your character must be able to take at least three levels of the prestige class in order to be considered qualified. Otherwise the pre-requisite will need to be met during the course of play.
- 2 points: Using the new Buyback rules you can buyback 1 LA.
- Variable points: You can have someone perform spellcasting, manifesting, etc. services. You need to spend fest points totaling 1/2 of the total spell levels, 1/4 of the total expended power points, or an equivalent amount for equivalent abilities.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- The player starts with gold for their level as delineated in table 5-1 on page 135 of the DMG.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The "Leadership" feat is subject to the the following modification for this campaign: "Regardless of a character’s Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most one-half (rounding down) the character's level."
- Custom items built using the rules in the DMG can not be built during pre-generation (however see the information on fest points above).
- When crafting a magic item the requirement to pay 1/25 the base cost in xp is removed. If a spell has an xp component, that xp cost must still be paid.
- For the purposes of this campaign, the Amulet of Mighty Fists reads as follows:
Amulet of Mighty Fists
This amulet can be enchanted as if it were a melee weapon. It must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. It follows the rules for enchanting melee weapons with the exception that all costs are increased by 50%. As such it can have as much as a +5 enhancement bonus, and up to a further +5 in melee weapon special abilities. It may not have dancing, throwing, or any other ability that relies on the weapon being separate from the body. It has room for one weapon augment crystal (see MIC).
When you place this amulet around your neck, pick one natural weapon type, or pick unarmed strike. The chosen melee attack gains the weapon enhancements from the amulet. The effect ends when you remove the amulet. You may change the chosen attack type by removing the amulet and replacing it. This is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
You may increase the type of attacks affected by reducing the Enhancement bonus (down to a minimum of +1); for each 1 you reduce the Enhancement bonus by, choose an additional melee natural weapon or unarmed trike that this amulet affects. You may not reduce/remove special abilities in order to increase the types of attacks affected.
The caster level of this item with a special ability is given in the description of the special ability. For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.Faint evocation; CL See Text; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 (+6), 147,000 (+7), 192,000 (+8), 243,000 (+9), 300,000 (+10)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Satyr is a newly available race.
- Aranea is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Hell Hound is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Shadow Mastiff is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Non-MM Races from the SRD (such as the Blue from the XPH) are not allowed at these levels.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The Healer base class has updated house rules here.
- The Favored Soul base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Warmage base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available unless creating an 8th level or higher character.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Align Fang, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Angelskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Baleful Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Benign Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bless Weapon, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Close Wounds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Conviction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Impending Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Demonhide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Protection, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Favorable Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guiding Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Holy Spurs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incite, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inhibit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lightfoot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lionheart, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Charge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Living Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Panacea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quick March, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revivify, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slashing Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Snake's Swiftness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tiger's Tooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Shadow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bigby's Slapping Hand, has been renamed to Slapping Hand and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Guided Arrow, has been renamed to Guided Shot and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee, has been renamed to Buzzing Bee and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Righteous Fury, has been renamed to Rhino's Rush and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Undeniable Gravity, has been renamed to Earthbind and can be found in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The duom is not available for purchase.
- The fullblade is not available for purchase.
- Races found on pp. 5—7 are available
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 3 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 4th level character.
- Aquatic Races
- Dwarf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Aquatic (UA) is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Human, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Arctic Races
- Dwarf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Desert Races
- Dwarf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Jungle Races
- Dwarf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Air
- Gnome, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Earth
- Dwarf, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Fire
- Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Hobgoblin, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Water
- Half-Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Aquatic Races
- The paragon classes found on pp. 32-46 are available SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available.
- The Other Class Variants on pp. 58-59 are explicitly NOT available. (These are the variants without a special name where you lose a class feature and gain a feature from a different class)
- The following class variants are available (pp. 47-58):
- Totem Barbarian (Unearthed Arcana type) (p. 48) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Bardic Sage (p. 49) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Divine Bard (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Cloistered Cleric (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Druidic Avenger (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Thug (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Fighting Styles Monk (p.52)
- Paladin of Freedom - See House Rules
- Paladin of Tyranny - See House Rules
- Planar Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Urban Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Wilderness Rogue (p. 56) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Battle Sorceror (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Domain Wizard (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- The prestige versions of Bard, Paladin, and Ranger (pp. 69-72) are available. These classes count the same as their PHB counterparts.
- Bard (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Paladin (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Ranger (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ghost-Faced Killer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Enforcer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- The Spymaster prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorb Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Accelerated Movement, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Allegro, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Mind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Balancing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blade Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bladeweave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bloodhound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Branch to branch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cacophonic Shield, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of the Sea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Critical Strike, the version in Complete Mage (CM) is not an update but a different spell which should be recorded as Critical Strike (CM) and is not available until that book is available.
- For the spell, Critical Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Daggerspell Stance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dirge of Discord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dissonant Chord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distort Speech, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distract Assailant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Insight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Climb, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Trail, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Embrace the Wild, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entangling Staff, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Exacting Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Focusing Chant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Foebane, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golem Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Grave Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guided Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Harmonic Chorus, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healthful Rest, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Herald's Call, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hindsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hymn of Praise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Improvisation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infernal Threnody, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insidious Rhythm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insightful Feint, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inspirational Boost, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Locksmith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Search, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Iron Silence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Joyful Noise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Coin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Mindless Rage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nightstalker's Transformation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Protégé, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Form, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sonic Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spectral Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Speechlink, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tactical Precision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Train Animal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vine Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wail of Doom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, War Cry, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wracking Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wraithstrike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For purposes of this campaign the Leap Attack feat reads as follows:
"You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack."
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Jump 8 ranks
Benefit: You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target you deal bonus damage equal to the attack penalty taken with your Power Attack feat (if you take a penalty of 5 to attack with Power Attack, you deal 5 bonus damage from Leap Attack). This is regardless of whether you are using a one-handed or two-handed weapon. - This attack must follow all the normal rules for using the Jump skill and for making a charge, except that you ignore rough terrain in any squares you jump over.
Note, there are two benefits to leap attack.
- The benefit to jump as part of a charge and ignore rough terrain jumped over, this can happen at any part of the charge.
- The benefit to deal extra damage based on Power Attack. This has the added requirement that the leap cover a minimum 10 ft. horizontal distance and end in a square from which you threaten the opponent.
Normal: You may not leap as part of a charge. You may not charge through rough terrain. You do not get additional damage just by leaping while charging.
- Alchemical capsules may be used to store potions, alchemical substances, and poisons.
- Such substances are limited to 1 oz of liquid (so something like tangelfoot wouldn't be a viable choice).
- This includes weapon alchemical capsules
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Warlock: 100 gp.
- Warmage: 75 gp.
- Wu Jen: 75 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Acolyte of the Skin prestige class is not permitted.
- The Alienist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Green Star Adept prestige class prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master Transmorgrifist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Suel Archanamach prestige class is not permitted.
- The Wayfarer Guide prestige class is not permitted.
- For Mage of the Arcane Order there are several guilds operating their own Spellpools. Which guild the player is part of is determined by which NPC trainer brought them in. By default only spells from the Player's Handbook are available, however there may be guilds that have different Spellpools.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorption, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aiming at the Target, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Wood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow of Bone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Backbiter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bands of Steel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blackfire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blink, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blistering Radiance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Corpse Candle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Darkvision, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Defenestrating Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Discern Shapechanger, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Duelward, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthen Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enhance Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Familiar Pocket, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fiendform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shield, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shuriken, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fist of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flensing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fortify Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Freezing Fog, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghostform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart Ripper, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ice Knife, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Illusory Pit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Low-light Vision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mage Armor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Force, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Assailants, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Prismatic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Programmed Amnesia, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reaving Dispel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reciprocal Gyre, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Refusal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resist Energy, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resonating Bolt, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Servant Horde, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Binding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritwall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stony Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Elemental Monolith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Swim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Deception, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Thornskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transfix, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transmute Rock to Lava, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unluck, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vitriolic Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Gloom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirling Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Withering Palm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Rot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Assay Resistance, has been renamed to Assay Spell Resistance and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Chameleon, has been renamed to Camouflage and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Force Whip, has been renamed to Sonic Whip and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Leomund's Hidden Lodge, has been renamed to Hidden Lodge and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Greater Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen, Greater and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Black Flame Zealot prestige class is not permitted.
- The Blighter prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master of Shrouds prestige class is superseded by the revised version listed in Libris Mortis, and not available to a 4th or 5th level character.
- The Void Disciple prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Anger of the Noonday Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Awaken, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beast Claws, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beget Bogun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Binding Winds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessed Aim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessing of Bahamut, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Body of the Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bottle of Smoke, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brain Spider, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brambles, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Briar Web, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Castigate, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Chain of Eyes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudwalkers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cometfall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contagious Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Crumble, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Ill Fortune, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dance of the Unicorn, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Decomposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Deific Vengeance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Detect Favored Enemy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Agility, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Doomtide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Vortex, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enveloping Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Wings, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fires of Purity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flame of Faith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golden Barding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Implacable Pursuer, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infestation of Maggots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Languor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Last Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mark of the Hunter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miasma, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Murderous Mist, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Avatar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Naturewatch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nimbus of Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Decoy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Disorientation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Bear, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Stag, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Wolf, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Thorns, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Vines, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Probe Thoughts, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quill Blast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Recitation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rejuvenation Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Renewal Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revenance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sacred Haven, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sandblast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scent, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Landscape, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Spell Resistance, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spikes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritual Chariot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Standing Wave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm of Elemental Fury, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm Tower, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stormrage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Subvert Planar Essence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Telepathic Bond, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tidal Surge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tortoise Shell, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Traveler's Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unbinding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unyielding Roots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Mass Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigorous Circle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Waterspout, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wave of Grief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weapon of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weather Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirlwind, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winged Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Wose, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- For the spell, Zeal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Zealot Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bane Bow, has been renamed to Foebane and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Divine Metamagic feat has the additional restriction:
- While the spell slot doesn't change, you must have access to a spell of the level equivalent of the spell and applied metamagic.
- For example, if you were to use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered Holy Smite you must be able to cast a 6th level divine spell (such as an 11th level Cleric with a Wisdom of 16 or higher). This stacks such that a 15th level Cleric with an 18 or higher Wisdom and both Divine Metamagic (Empower Spell) and Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell) could not use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite, even though he could individually cast an Empowered Holy Smite or a Quickened Holy Smite, because an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite would normally require a 10th level Spell Slot.
- Multiple Nightsticks do not "stack."
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Hexblade: 150 gp.
- Samurai: 50 gp.
- Swashbuckler: 150 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Eye of Gruumsh prestige class is not permitted.
- The Frenzied Bezerker prestige class is not permitted.
- The Purple Dragon Knight prestige class is retitled "Silver Dragon Knight", as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- The Ravager prestige class is not permitted.
- The Thayan Knight prestige class is not permitted, as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- For the Hulking Hurler, see this page for new rules on improvised weapon damage.
- For the Warshaper, you may only select one type of natural weapon for "Morphic Weapons" at any one time. If you choose a second natural weapon type,you lose the benefit of "Morphic Weapons" for the first type chosen.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Augment Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cursed Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Roar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Threat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Shock Trooper tactical Feat is unavailable.
- The spell Draconic Polymorph in the spell list on p. 268 is found in the Draconomicon (Dr) and isn't available until 6th level.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- Information on who grants Domains shown the Appendix: Domain Spells can be found here
- A double-weapon only has a single slot for an augment crystal, the effect of the crystal will affect both parts of the weapon.
- In addition to what's found in the book, the following properties are available:
Modular (Least)
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC 15) Transmutation
Activation: —Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
This object has the capability of attaching an additional augment crystal. When used on a double-weapon, the augment crystal only affects the part of the weapon for which this property was taken. An augment crystal attached to this slot is limited to being a least crystal. You may add this property more than once to have more slots.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Lesser) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least)Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
One of the slots created by Modular (Least) now can accept up to a lesser crystal. You may add this property more than once, up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Least). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property can now accept a lesser crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Greater) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong; (DC 23) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least), Modular (Lesser)
Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.One of the slots created by Modular (Least) and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) now can accept up to a greater crystal. You may add this property more than once (although to do so would require an epic item), up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Lesser). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) property can now accept a greater crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Player's Handbook II (PH2)
- The Beguiler is a newly available core class.
- Beguilers may use new spells in the PH2 that are on the Beguiler spell list. Other classes may not use these spells at this character level even if they are on that class's list unless otherwise noted in these rules.
- The Dragon Shaman is a newly available core class.
- The Duskblade is a newly available core class.
- Duskblades may use new spells in the PH2 that are on the Duskblade spell list. Other classes may not use these spells at this character level even if they are on that class's list unless otherwise noted in these rules.
- The Knight is a newly available core class.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- The Beguiler is a newly available core class.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Cityscape (Ci)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ebonmar Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Dungeonscape (Du)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Dungeon Lord prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Cryokineticist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Winterhaunt of Iborighu prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Chosen of Iborighu" feat is not permitted
- The Following spells are banned
- The "Ice Assassin" spell is not permitted.
- The "Fimbulwinter" spell is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Snow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticold Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mantle of the Icy Soul, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winter's Embrace, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Sandshaper prestige class is not permitted.
- The Walker in the Waste prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Drift Magic" feat is not permitted.
- The "Touchstone" feat is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Transcribe Symbol, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Sand, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Shapesand, a special material, cannot be used to emulate splash weapons, explosives, or any alchemical items.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Unholy Ravager of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- The Talon of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antidragon Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antimagic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Evasion, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Terror, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blinding Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cheat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contingent Energy Resistance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dispelling Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Draconic Might, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enervating Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entice Gift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ethereal Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fell the Greatest Foe, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Find the gap, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flight of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hide From Dragons, use the updated version in Dragonmarked (Dra).
- For the spell, Hide from Dragons, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hiss of Sleep, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imperious Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Maddening Whispers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Magic Fang, Superior, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mesmerizing Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miser's Envy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Thief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Razorfangs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rebuking Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scale Weakening, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scintillating Scales, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sharptooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shield of Warding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Suppress Breath Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Voice of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vulnerability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wingbind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scatterspray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- All [EPIC] feats are not available.
- All [metabreath] feats have the pre-requisite of "breath weapon" changed to "breath weapon, minimum twice/day".
- The "Large and in Charge" feat is not available.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Cohort" feat reads as follows:
- "You gain service of a loyal dragon ally"
- Prerequisite: Character Level 9th, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic
- Benefit: You gain a cohort with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Leadership feat and subject to the same restrictions. However, regardless of a character's Leadership score, they can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's level.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Familiar" feat reads as follows:
- "When you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may select a wyrmling true dragon, or a tiny non-true dragon as a familiar"
- Prerequisite: Charisma 13, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic, Arcane Caster Level 7th, ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment.
- Benefit: You gain a familiar with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Improved Familiar feat. However, the only familiars available with this feat are creatures size Tiny or smaller with the Dragon Type and true dragons that are in the wyrmling age category. In order to take a Dragon as a familiar, if it naturally has an Intelligence higher than 3 or is not Neutral, your alignment must match the alignment in the creatures' stat block. Further, you can only gain a familiar whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's arcane caster level. A creature's ECL is the greater of their Challenge Rating plus 2 or the sum of their Hit Dice and Level Adjustment (if any).
- Normal: When gaining a familiar, you are limited to the animals listed in the PHB.
- The "Sense Weakness" feat is not available.
- Nothing may be taken from this book unless explicitly listed
- Feats:
- No feat may be taken from this book. Some of the feats listed in this book are available from other books.
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Abeil, Vassal is a newly available race. Please refer to the racial traits here.
- Bladeling is not available as a race due to being from Acheron.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Monster Manual III (MM3)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Changeling is a newly available race.
- Gnoll, Flind is a newly available race.
- Goatfolk (Ibixian) is a newly available race.
- Goblin, Forestkith is a newly available race.
- Kenku is a newly available race.
- Lizardfolk, Blackscale is a newly available race.
- Lizardfolk, Posion Dusk is a newly available race.
- Nycter is a newly available race.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Changeling is a newly available race.
- Kenku is a newly available race.
- Shifter is a newly available race.
- Warforged is a newly available race.
- Warforged Scout is a newly available race.
- Goblin, Forestkith is a newly available race.
- Lizardfolk, Posion Dusk is a newly available race.
- Goatfolk is a newly available race.
- Gnoll, Flind is a newly available race.
- Nycter is a newly available race.
- Splinterwaif is a newly available race.
- Lizardfolk, Blackscale is a newly available race.
- Petal is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Spellwarped is a newly available template.
- Voidmind is a newly available template.
- Woodling is a newly available template.
- Lumi is not available as a race due to being from the Positive Energy Plane.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Drow of the Underdark (DrU)
- The feat "Sadistic Reward" is not available.
- [Vile] feats are not available.
- The "Sudden Swarm" invocation is not available.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play
- The Demonbinder prestige class is not available.
- The Kinslayer prestige class is not available.
- The Drow Racial Class is not available; in order to play a Drow you must start as a 3rd level character with one class level and 2 level adjustment.
- The Following Races are newly available:
- Elf, Albino Drow (Szarkai) is a newly available race.
- Goblinoid, Vril is a newly available race. See Errata for missing information. Vulnerability to Poison is a -4 to Saves vs the specific poisons listed.
- Dragon, Deep is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Quaggoth is not available as a race. The entry was poorly edited. My best guess is it has 4 racial HD, a +2 Level Adjustment, and the following adjustments to ability scores: +8 Str, +4 Con, -4 Int, +2 Wis. However, the stat blocks are contradictory.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Human, Illumian is a newly available race.
- For clarity, an Illumian may only ever have two Power Sigils, which make one Illumian Word. You get the first Power Sigil at character creation, and the second when you reach 2nd level in any class
- Human, Mongrelfolk is a newly available race.
- Human, Sea Kin is a newly available race.
- Human, Sharakim is a newly available race.
- Human, Skulk is a newly available race.
- The Skulk Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Skulk you must start as at least a 4th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 1 level adjustment.
- Human, Underfolk is a newly available race.
- Ogre, Half-Ogre is a newly available race.
- Human, Illumian is a newly available race.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Feats:
- Diverse Background is not an available feat. There are no experience penalties for Multiclassing in KotD. Favored class is a flavor option.
- For purposes of this campaign the Human Heritage feat reads as follows:
"Your human heritage is more prominent than in others of your kind."
Prerequisite: Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Ogre, Half-Orc, Illumian, Mongrelfolk, Sea Kin, Sharakim, Skulk, or Underfolk
Benefit: You are treated as a humanoid with the human subtype for the purpose of adjudicating all effects. If you are not a humanoid, your type changes to humanoid and you gain the human subtype. If you are already a humanoid, you gain the human subtype. In either case, you retain any other subtypes you had (such as orc or extraplanar), and you retain any traits common to all creatures of your original type (such as darkvision). You gain 4 additional skill points.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level. This is a one time change to your base type/subtype(s). If something else modifies your type/subtype(s) follow the instructions for that change, you retain the skill points.
- Races of Stone (RS)
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Dwarf, Dream is a newly available race.
- Goliath is a newly available race.
- Goliath, Feral Gargun is a newly available race.
- The Feral Gargun Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Feral Gargun you must start as at least a 5th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 2 level adjustment.
- Gnome, Chaos is a newly available race.
- Gnome, Whisper is a newly available race.
- Stonechild is a newly available race.
- The Stonechild Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Stonechild you must start as at least a 7th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 4 level adjustment.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Iron Mind is not currently available
- Feats:
- Earth Spell only changes the affect of Heighten Spell. It does not do anything if you don't use Heighten Spell to increase the spell's level. To be clear, the spells effective level is whatever Heighten Spell would set it to be plus one.
- No [Psionic] feats are available at this time.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for an 8th level character.
- Raptoran is a newly available race.
- Catfolk is a newly available race.
- Killoren is a newly available race.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Arcane Hierophant requirements are changed as follows
- Alignment: Any non-lawful.
- Base Attack Bonus: +4.
- Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks.
- Spells: Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells and 2nd-level divine spells.
- Special: Woodland Stride class feature.
- The Ruathar prestige class requires you to have been given the title of Elf-friend due to service to one of the communities of elves.
- The Centaur Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Centaur you must start as at least a 7th level character with 1 class level, 4 racial hit dice, and 2 level adjustment.
- The Gnoll Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Gnoll you must start as at least a 4th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 1 level adjustment.
- The Arcane Hierophant requirements are changed as follows
- Dragonborn of Bahamut is a newly available race.
- Spellscale is a newly available race.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Spell Wings of Flurry is modified so that it does "1d6/caster level (maximum 10d6 for a 10th level caster)"
- The Prerequisites for the feat Dragon Breath are now "Racial Breath Weapon useable a specific number of times/day."
- No material may be used from this book unless specified below, or if it appears in another book
- Changelings, Shifters, and Warforged are available because they are in MM3.
- Artificer is a newly available Base class.
- Because there is no XP cost for item creation the Craft Reserve feature is modified as follows. At each level you get a reserve of gp that can be used for item creation. The reserve is equal to 5x the xp listed in the Artificer chart (100gp at 1st level, etc). This gp can be used for up to 50% of the material cost (25% of the base price) when creating a magic item.
- Because there is no XP cost for item creation the Retain Essence feature is modified as follows. Instead of XP, the disassembled item provides materials equal to 25% of the base price of the item.
- GMs may choose to give characters Action Points for use during specific modules. Otherwise, Action Points are unused in this campaign
- The following feats are available
- Education
- Knight Training
- Monastic Training
- Item Creation Feats
- Exceptional Artisan
- Extra Rings
- Extraordinary Artisan
- Legendary Artisan
- Shifter Feats - some of these are replaced by the version in Races of Eberron (RE)
- Beasthide Elite
- Great Bite
- Great Rend
- Healing Factor
- Shifter Defense
- Greater Shifter Defense
- Shifter Multiattack
- Warforged Feats - some of these are replaced by the version in Races of Eberron (RE)
- Improved Damage Reduction
- Improved Fortification
- Mithral Body — use RE version
- Mithral Fluidity
- Dragonmarks are not used in this campaign
- Eberron Deities may not be worshipped
- No prestige class may be taken without first meeting an NPC trainer in-game.
- Warforged Juggernaut is a newly available presitge class.
- Powerful Charge is available in the Miniature's Handbook (MH) and Monster Manual III (MM3), Greater Powerful Charge is available in the MH.
- Weretouched Master is a newly available prestige class.
- Warforged Juggernaut is a newly available presitge class.
- This campaign uses the great wheel cosmology for Outer Planes.
- The following Spells from this book are available as Artificer Infusions, the Artificer infusion list also includes spells found elsewhere that are available
- Armor Enhancement, Lesser
- Armor Enhancement
- Armor Enhancement, Greater
- Energy Alteration
- Inflict Light Damage
- Inflict Moderate Damage
- Inflict Serious Damage
- Inflict Critical Damage
- All Repair Damage spells can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC)
- Resistance Item
- Skill Enhancement
- Spell Storing Item
- Weapon Augmentation, Personal
- Weapon Augmentation, Lesser
- Weapon Augmentation
- Weapon Augmentation, Greater
- Toughen Construct
- Construct Energy Ward
- Construct Energy Ward, Greater
- Metamagic Item
- Power Surge
- Stone Construct
- Suppress Requirement
- Item Alteration
- Iron Construct
- Shield of Faith, Legion's has been renamed to Shield of Faith, Mass, the updated version is in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Disable Construct
- For the spell, Hardening, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Total Repair
- Armor Enhancement, Lesser
- Warforged Components are a newly available category of magic item
- Only Basic Components are available
- Docent Components and Artifact Components are not available.
- No material may be used from this book unless specified below, or if it appears in another book
- No psionic classes, feats, abilities, spells, or items are available at this time
- Warforged, Shifters, and Changelings can be found in Monster Manual III (MM3)
- The following feats are newly available
- Daylight Adaptation
- Master Linguist, note languages from this feat are in addition to ones you get by spending skill points.
- Mutable Body
- Persona Immersion
- Quick Change
- Racial Emulation
- Shaped Splash
- Stable Footing
- White Scorpion Strike
- Shifter Feats
- Cliffwalk Elite
- Dreamsight Elite
- Extra Shifter Trait
- Gorebrute Elite
- Longstride Elite
- Longtooth Elite
- Razorclaw Elite
- Reactive Shifting
- Shifter Agility
- Shifter Ferocity
- Shifter Instincts
- Shifter Savagery
- Shifter Stamina
- Swiftwing Elite
- Truedive Elite
- Wildhunt Elite
- Tactical Feats
- Battleshifter Training
- Brute Fighting
- Disturbing Visage
- Ragewild Fighting
- Warforged Feats
- Adamantine Body
- Cold Iron Tracery
- Construct Lock
- Improved Resiliency
- Ironwood Body
- Jaws of Death
- Mithral Body
- Second Slam
- Silver Tracery
- Spiked Body
- Unarmored Body
- The Following Racial Substitution Levels are available:
- Changeling Rogue
- Changeling Wizard
- Shifter Druid
- Shifter Ranger
- Warforged Artificer
- Warforged Fighter
- Warforged Paladin (of Honor)
- No prestige class may be taken without first meeting an NPC trainer in-game.
- Reachrunner is a newly available prestige class.
- Recaster is a newly available prestige class.
- Reforged is a newly available prestige class.
- Spellcarved Soldier is a newly available prestige class.
- The following magic items are available:
- In this campaign, Shifter Clawbracers have identical cost and functionality to the campaign version of an Amulet of Might Fists, however they use the arms item slot instead of the neck item slot.
- Vestment of Many Styles
- All Warforged Basic Components
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- 9th-level characters start with 37,500 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #25.
- 9th-level characters start with 36,000 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 9th-level characters start with 4 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Feats Adapted from the Eberron Campaign Setting
- Knight Training
- Monastic Training
- Exceptional Artisan
- Extraordinary Artisan
- Legendary Artisan
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting p. 96)
Potion Belt 1GP, 1lb.: This sturdy leather belt similar to a bandoleer has pockets shaped to hold potion vials and is fitted with ties of flaps to keep the potions from falling out. It holds six potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Masterwork Potion Belt 60GP, 1lb.: This extremely well-made potion belt holds ten potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Shaders 1SP, —: These are googles of a sort that fit over am orc's eyes with a loop of leather tightened behind the ears. Made from a piece of wood or bamboo with a thin slot carved in it to see out of, shaders negate an orc's light sensitivty but impose a -1 penalty on Spot checks.
(Adapted from Races of Eberron p. 103)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Crude Maquahuitl | 14 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 10 lb. | Bludgeoning and Piercing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 100 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 75 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Exotic Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
One-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 7 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | — | 4 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Maquahuitl (steel) | 13 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 6 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Great Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 21 gp | 1d10 | 2d6 | x3 | — | 8 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Great Maquahuitl (steel) | 40 gp | 2d6 | 3d6 | ×2 | — | 12 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Atlatl | 35 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | 50 ft. | 6 lb. | Piercing |
Darts, Atlatl (20) | 10 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- When creating a character of 2nd level or higher, you have missed the opportunity to attend Festivals.
- For every 2 ECL of the character you are creating, you get 1 Fest Point, which can be spent to gain benefits you would otherwise have to attend a festival to receive.
- Spending fest points just gives you access to the game option, you still have to pay all of the normal costs.
- You can hold onto these points to spend at a later date, but you do not continue to earn points as you level.
- These points can be spent in the following manner
- 4 points: You can take 1 prestige class. Contact a GM (for instance in the character-creation channel in the Discord), and we can give you information about your in-game trainer. You must meet all prerequisites. If the class has an in-game action/role-playing as a prerequisite, your character must be able to take at least three levels of the prestige class in order to be considered qualified. Otherwise the pre-requisite will need to be met during the course of play.
- 2 points: Using the new Buyback rules you can buyback 1 LA.
- Variable points: You can have someone perform spellcasting, manifesting, etc. services. You need to spend fest points totaling 1/2 of the total spell levels, 1/4 of the total expended power points, or an equivalent amount for equivalent abilities.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- The player starts with gold for their level as delineated in table 5-1 on page 135 of the DMG.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The "Leadership" feat is subject to the the following modification for this campaign: "Regardless of a character’s Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most one-half (rounding down) the character's level."
- Custom items built using the rules in the DMG can not be built during pre-generation (however see the information on fest points above).
- When crafting a magic item the requirement to pay 1/25 the base cost in xp is removed. If a spell has an xp component, that xp cost must still be paid.
- For the purposes of this campaign, the Amulet of Mighty Fists reads as follows:
Amulet of Mighty Fists
This amulet can be enchanted as if it were a melee weapon. It must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. It follows the rules for enchanting melee weapons with the exception that all costs are increased by 50%. As such it can have as much as a +5 enhancement bonus, and up to a further +5 in melee weapon special abilities. It may not have dancing, throwing, or any other ability that relies on the weapon being separate from the body. It has room for one weapon augment crystal (see MIC).
When you place this amulet around your neck, pick one natural weapon type, or pick unarmed strike. The chosen melee attack gains the weapon enhancements from the amulet. The effect ends when you remove the amulet. You may change the chosen attack type by removing the amulet and replacing it. This is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
You may increase the type of attacks affected by reducing the Enhancement bonus (down to a minimum of +1); for each 1 you reduce the Enhancement bonus by, choose an additional melee natural weapon or unarmed trike that this amulet affects. You may not reduce/remove special abilities in order to increase the types of attacks affected.
The caster level of this item with a special ability is given in the description of the special ability. For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.Faint evocation; CL See Text; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 (+6), 147,000 (+7), 192,000 (+8), 243,000 (+9), 300,000 (+10)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 8 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 9th level character.
- Doppelganger is a newly available race. See RD pp. 95-96 for latest version.
- Minotaur is a newly available race.
- Unicorn is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Salamander, Flamebrother is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
- Vampire is not an available template at this time.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Non-MM Races from the SRD (such as the Blue from the XPH) are not allowed at these levels.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The Healer base class has updated house rules here.
- The Favored Soul base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Warmage base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available unless creating an 8th level or higher character.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Align Fang, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Angelskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Baleful Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Benign Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bless Weapon, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Close Wounds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Conviction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Impending Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Demonhide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Protection, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Favorable Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guiding Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Holy Spurs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incite, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inhibit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lightfoot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lionheart, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Charge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Living Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Panacea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quick March, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revivify, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slashing Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Snake's Swiftness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tiger's Tooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Shadow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bigby's Slapping Hand, has been renamed to Slapping Hand and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Guided Arrow, has been renamed to Guided Shot and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee, has been renamed to Buzzing Bee and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Righteous Fury, has been renamed to Rhino's Rush and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Undeniable Gravity, has been renamed to Earthbind and can be found in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The duom is not available for purchase.
- The fullblade is not available for purchase.
- Races found on pp. 5—7 are available
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 3 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 4th level character.
- Aquatic Races
- Dwarf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Aquatic (UA) is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Human, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Arctic Races
- Dwarf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Desert Races
- Dwarf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Jungle Races
- Dwarf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Air
- Gnome, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Earth
- Dwarf, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Fire
- Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Hobgoblin, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Water
- Half-Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Aquatic Races
- The paragon classes found on pp. 32-46 are available SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available.
- The Other Class Variants on pp. 58-59 are explicitly NOT available. (These are the variants without a special name where you lose a class feature and gain a feature from a different class)
- The following class variants are available (pp. 47-58):
- Totem Barbarian (Unearthed Arcana type) (p. 48) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Bardic Sage (p. 49) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Divine Bard (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Cloistered Cleric (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Druidic Avenger (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Thug (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Fighting Styles Monk (p.52)
- Paladin of Freedom - See House Rules
- Paladin of Tyranny - See House Rules
- Planar Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Urban Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Wilderness Rogue (p. 56) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Battle Sorceror (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Domain Wizard (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- The prestige versions of Bard, Paladin, and Ranger (pp. 69-72) are available. These classes count the same as their PHB counterparts.
- Bard (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Paladin (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Ranger (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ghost-Faced Killer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Enforcer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- The Spymaster prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorb Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Accelerated Movement, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Allegro, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Mind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Balancing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blade Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bladeweave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bloodhound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Branch to branch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cacophonic Shield, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of the Sea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Critical Strike, the version in Complete Mage (CM) is not an update but a different spell which should be recorded as Critical Strike (CM) and is not available until that book is available.
- For the spell, Critical Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Daggerspell Stance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dirge of Discord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dissonant Chord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distort Speech, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distract Assailant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Insight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Climb, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Trail, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Embrace the Wild, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entangling Staff, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Exacting Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Focusing Chant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Foebane, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golem Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Grave Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guided Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Harmonic Chorus, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healthful Rest, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Herald's Call, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hindsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hymn of Praise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Improvisation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infernal Threnody, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insidious Rhythm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insightful Feint, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inspirational Boost, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Locksmith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Search, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Iron Silence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Joyful Noise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Coin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Mindless Rage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nightstalker's Transformation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Protégé, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Form, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sonic Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spectral Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Speechlink, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tactical Precision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Train Animal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vine Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wail of Doom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, War Cry, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wracking Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wraithstrike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For purposes of this campaign the Leap Attack feat reads as follows:
"You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack."
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Jump 8 ranks
Benefit: You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target you deal bonus damage equal to the attack penalty taken with your Power Attack feat (if you take a penalty of 5 to attack with Power Attack, you deal 5 bonus damage from Leap Attack). This is regardless of whether you are using a one-handed or two-handed weapon. - This attack must follow all the normal rules for using the Jump skill and for making a charge, except that you ignore rough terrain in any squares you jump over.
Note, there are two benefits to leap attack.
- The benefit to jump as part of a charge and ignore rough terrain jumped over, this can happen at any part of the charge.
- The benefit to deal extra damage based on Power Attack. This has the added requirement that the leap cover a minimum 10 ft. horizontal distance and end in a square from which you threaten the opponent.
Normal: You may not leap as part of a charge. You may not charge through rough terrain. You do not get additional damage just by leaping while charging.
- Alchemical capsules may be used to store potions, alchemical substances, and poisons.
- Such substances are limited to 1 oz of liquid (so something like tangelfoot wouldn't be a viable choice).
- This includes weapon alchemical capsules
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Warlock: 100 gp.
- Warmage: 75 gp.
- Wu Jen: 75 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Acolyte of the Skin prestige class is not permitted.
- The Alienist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Green Star Adept prestige class prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master Transmorgrifist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Suel Archanamach prestige class is not permitted.
- The Wayfarer Guide prestige class is not permitted.
- For Mage of the Arcane Order there are several guilds operating their own Spellpools. Which guild the player is part of is determined by which NPC trainer brought them in. By default only spells from the Player's Handbook are available, however there may be guilds that have different Spellpools.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorption, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aiming at the Target, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Wood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow of Bone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Backbiter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bands of Steel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blackfire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blink, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blistering Radiance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Corpse Candle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Darkvision, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Defenestrating Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Discern Shapechanger, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Duelward, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthen Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enhance Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Familiar Pocket, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fiendform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shield, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shuriken, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fist of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flensing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fortify Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Freezing Fog, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghostform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart Ripper, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ice Knife, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Illusory Pit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Low-light Vision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mage Armor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Force, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Assailants, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Prismatic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Programmed Amnesia, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reaving Dispel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reciprocal Gyre, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Refusal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resist Energy, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resonating Bolt, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Servant Horde, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Binding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritwall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stony Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Elemental Monolith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Swim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Deception, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Thornskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transfix, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transmute Rock to Lava, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unluck, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vitriolic Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Gloom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirling Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Withering Palm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Rot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Assay Resistance, has been renamed to Assay Spell Resistance and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Chameleon, has been renamed to Camouflage and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Force Whip, has been renamed to Sonic Whip and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Leomund's Hidden Lodge, has been renamed to Hidden Lodge and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Greater Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen, Greater and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Black Flame Zealot prestige class is not permitted.
- The Blighter prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master of Shrouds prestige class is superseded by the revised version listed in Libris Mortis, and not available to a 4th or 5th level character.
- The Void Disciple prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Anger of the Noonday Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Awaken, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beast Claws, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beget Bogun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Binding Winds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessed Aim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessing of Bahamut, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Body of the Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bottle of Smoke, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brain Spider, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brambles, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Briar Web, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Castigate, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Chain of Eyes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudwalkers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cometfall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contagious Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Crumble, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Ill Fortune, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dance of the Unicorn, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Decomposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Deific Vengeance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Detect Favored Enemy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Agility, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Doomtide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Vortex, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enveloping Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Wings, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fires of Purity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flame of Faith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golden Barding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Implacable Pursuer, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infestation of Maggots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Languor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Last Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mark of the Hunter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miasma, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Murderous Mist, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Avatar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Naturewatch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nimbus of Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Decoy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Disorientation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Bear, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Stag, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Wolf, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Thorns, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Vines, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Probe Thoughts, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quill Blast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Recitation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rejuvenation Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Renewal Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revenance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sacred Haven, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sandblast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scent, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Landscape, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Spell Resistance, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spikes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritual Chariot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Standing Wave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm of Elemental Fury, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm Tower, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stormrage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Subvert Planar Essence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Telepathic Bond, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tidal Surge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tortoise Shell, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Traveler's Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unbinding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unyielding Roots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Mass Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigorous Circle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Waterspout, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wave of Grief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weapon of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weather Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirlwind, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winged Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Wose, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- For the spell, Zeal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Zealot Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bane Bow, has been renamed to Foebane and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Divine Metamagic feat has the additional restriction:
- While the spell slot doesn't change, you must have access to a spell of the level equivalent of the spell and applied metamagic.
- For example, if you were to use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered Holy Smite you must be able to cast a 6th level divine spell (such as an 11th level Cleric with a Wisdom of 16 or higher). This stacks such that a 15th level Cleric with an 18 or higher Wisdom and both Divine Metamagic (Empower Spell) and Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell) could not use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite, even though he could individually cast an Empowered Holy Smite or a Quickened Holy Smite, because an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite would normally require a 10th level Spell Slot.
- Multiple Nightsticks do not "stack."
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Hexblade: 150 gp.
- Samurai: 50 gp.
- Swashbuckler: 150 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Eye of Gruumsh prestige class is not permitted.
- The Frenzied Bezerker prestige class is not permitted.
- The Purple Dragon Knight prestige class is retitled "Silver Dragon Knight", as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- The Ravager prestige class is not permitted.
- The Thayan Knight prestige class is not permitted, as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- For the Hulking Hurler, see this page for new rules on improvised weapon damage.
- For the Warshaper, you may only select one type of natural weapon for "Morphic Weapons" at any one time. If you choose a second natural weapon type,you lose the benefit of "Morphic Weapons" for the first type chosen.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Augment Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cursed Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Roar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Threat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Shock Trooper tactical Feat is unavailable.
- The spell Draconic Polymorph in the spell list on p. 268 is found in the Draconomicon (Dr) and isn't available until 6th level.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- Information on who grants Domains shown the Appendix: Domain Spells can be found here
- A double-weapon only has a single slot for an augment crystal, the effect of the crystal will affect both parts of the weapon.
- In addition to what's found in the book, the following properties are available:
Modular (Least)
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC 15) Transmutation
Activation: —Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
This object has the capability of attaching an additional augment crystal. When used on a double-weapon, the augment crystal only affects the part of the weapon for which this property was taken. An augment crystal attached to this slot is limited to being a least crystal. You may add this property more than once to have more slots.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Lesser) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least)Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
One of the slots created by Modular (Least) now can accept up to a lesser crystal. You may add this property more than once, up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Least). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property can now accept a lesser crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Greater) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong; (DC 23) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least), Modular (Lesser)
Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.One of the slots created by Modular (Least) and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) now can accept up to a greater crystal. You may add this property more than once (although to do so would require an epic item), up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Lesser). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) property can now accept a greater crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Player's Handbook II (PH2)
- The Beguiler is a newly available core class.
- Beguilers may use new spells in the PH2 that are on the Beguiler spell list. Other classes may not use these spells at this character level even if they are on that class's list unless otherwise noted in these rules.
- The Dragon Shaman is a newly available core class.
- The Duskblade is a newly available core class.
- Duskblades may use new spells in the PH2 that are on the Duskblade spell list. Other classes may not use these spells at this character level even if they are on that class's list unless otherwise noted in these rules.
- The Knight is a newly available core class.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- The Beguiler is a newly available core class.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Cityscape (Ci)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ebonmar Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Dungeonscape (Du)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Dungeon Lord prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Cryokineticist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Winterhaunt of Iborighu prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Chosen of Iborighu" feat is not permitted
- The Following spells are banned
- The "Ice Assassin" spell is not permitted.
- The "Fimbulwinter" spell is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Snow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticold Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mantle of the Icy Soul, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winter's Embrace, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Sandshaper prestige class is not permitted.
- The Walker in the Waste prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Drift Magic" feat is not permitted.
- The "Touchstone" feat is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Transcribe Symbol, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Sand, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Shapesand, a special material, cannot be used to emulate splash weapons, explosives, or any alchemical items.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Unholy Ravager of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- The Talon of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antidragon Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antimagic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Evasion, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Terror, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blinding Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cheat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contingent Energy Resistance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dispelling Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Draconic Might, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enervating Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entice Gift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ethereal Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fell the Greatest Foe, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Find the gap, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flight of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hide From Dragons, use the updated version in Dragonmarked (Dra).
- For the spell, Hide from Dragons, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hiss of Sleep, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imperious Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Maddening Whispers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Magic Fang, Superior, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mesmerizing Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miser's Envy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Thief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Razorfangs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rebuking Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scale Weakening, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scintillating Scales, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sharptooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shield of Warding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Suppress Breath Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Voice of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vulnerability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wingbind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scatterspray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- All [EPIC] feats are not available.
- All [metabreath] feats have the pre-requisite of "breath weapon" changed to "breath weapon, minimum twice/day".
- The "Large and in Charge" feat is not available.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Cohort" feat reads as follows:
- "You gain service of a loyal dragon ally"
- Prerequisite: Character Level 9th, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic
- Benefit: You gain a cohort with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Leadership feat and subject to the same restrictions. However, regardless of a character's Leadership score, they can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's level.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Familiar" feat reads as follows:
- "When you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may select a wyrmling true dragon, or a tiny non-true dragon as a familiar"
- Prerequisite: Charisma 13, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic, Arcane Caster Level 7th, ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment.
- Benefit: You gain a familiar with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Improved Familiar feat. However, the only familiars available with this feat are creatures size Tiny or smaller with the Dragon Type and true dragons that are in the wyrmling age category. In order to take a Dragon as a familiar, if it naturally has an Intelligence higher than 3 or is not Neutral, your alignment must match the alignment in the creatures' stat block. Further, you can only gain a familiar whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's arcane caster level. A creature's ECL is the greater of their Challenge Rating plus 2 or the sum of their Hit Dice and Level Adjustment (if any).
- Normal: When gaining a familiar, you are limited to the animals listed in the PHB.
- The "Sense Weakness" feat is not available.
- Nothing may be taken from this book unless explicitly listed
- Feats:
- No feat may be taken from this book. Some of the feats listed in this book are available from other books.
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Abeil, Vassal is a newly available race. Please refer to the racial traits here.
- Bladeling is not available as a race due to being from Acheron.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Monster Manual III (MM3)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Changeling is a newly available race.
- Gnoll, Flind is a newly available race.
- Goatfolk (Ibixian) is a newly available race.
- Goblin, Forestkith is a newly available race.
- Kenku is a newly available race.
- Lizardfolk, Blackscale is a newly available race.
- Lizardfolk, Posion Dusk is a newly available race.
- Nycter is a newly available race.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 8 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 9th level character.
- Armand is a newly available race. See RD pp. 95-96 for latest version.
- Dracotaur is a newly available race.
- Redcap is a newly available race.
- Warforged Charger is a newly available race.
- Thorn is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Drow of the Underdark (DrU)
- The feat "Sadistic Reward" is not available.
- [Vile] feats are not available.
- The "Sudden Swarm" invocation is not available.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play
- The Demonbinder prestige class is not available.
- The Kinslayer prestige class is not available.
- The Drow Racial Class is not available; in order to play a Drow you must start as a 3rd level character with one class level and 2 level adjustment.
- The Following Races are newly available:
- Elf, Albino Drow (Szarkai) is a newly available race.
- Goblinoid, Vril is a newly available race. See Errata for missing information. Vulnerability to Poison is a -4 to Saves vs the specific poisons listed.
- Dragon, Deep is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Quaggoth is not available as a race. The entry was poorly edited. My best guess is it has 4 racial HD, a +2 Level Adjustment, and the following adjustments to ability scores: +8 Str, +4 Con, -4 Int, +2 Wis. However, the stat blocks are contradictory.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Human, Illumian is a newly available race.
- For clarity, an Illumian may only ever have two Power Sigils, which make one Illumian Word. You get the first Power Sigil at character creation, and the second when you reach 2nd level in any class
- Human, Mongrelfolk is a newly available race.
- Human, Sea Kin is a newly available race.
- Human, Sharakim is a newly available race.
- Human, Skulk is a newly available race.
- The Skulk Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Skulk you must start as at least a 4th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 1 level adjustment.
- Human, Underfolk is a newly available race.
- Ogre, Half-Ogre is a newly available race.
- Human, Illumian is a newly available race.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Feats:
- Diverse Background is not an available feat. There are no experience penalties for Multiclassing in KotD. Favored class is a flavor option.
- For purposes of this campaign the Human Heritage feat reads as follows:
"Your human heritage is more prominent than in others of your kind."
Prerequisite: Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Ogre, Half-Orc, Illumian, Mongrelfolk, Sea Kin, Sharakim, Skulk, or Underfolk
Benefit: You are treated as a humanoid with the human subtype for the purpose of adjudicating all effects. If you are not a humanoid, your type changes to humanoid and you gain the human subtype. If you are already a humanoid, you gain the human subtype. In either case, you retain any other subtypes you had (such as orc or extraplanar), and you retain any traits common to all creatures of your original type (such as darkvision). You gain 4 additional skill points.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level. This is a one time change to your base type/subtype(s). If something else modifies your type/subtype(s) follow the instructions for that change, you retain the skill points.
- Races of Stone (RS)
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Dwarf, Dream is a newly available race.
- Goliath is a newly available race.
- Goliath, Feral Gargun is a newly available race.
- The Feral Gargun Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Feral Gargun you must start as at least a 5th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 2 level adjustment.
- Gnome, Chaos is a newly available race.
- Gnome, Whisper is a newly available race.
- Stonechild is a newly available race.
- The Stonechild Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Stonechild you must start as at least a 7th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 4 level adjustment.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Iron Mind is not currently available
- Feats:
- Earth Spell only changes the affect of Heighten Spell. It does not do anything if you don't use Heighten Spell to increase the spell's level. To be clear, the spells effective level is whatever Heighten Spell would set it to be plus one.
- No [Psionic] feats are available at this time.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for an 8th level character.
- Raptoran is a newly available race.
- Catfolk is a newly available race.
- Killoren is a newly available race.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Arcane Hierophant requirements are changed as follows
- Alignment: Any non-lawful.
- Base Attack Bonus: +4.
- Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks.
- Spells: Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells and 2nd-level divine spells.
- Special: Woodland Stride class feature.
- The Ruathar prestige class requires you to have been given the title of Elf-friend due to service to one of the communities of elves.
- The Centaur Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Centaur you must start as at least a 7th level character with 1 class level, 4 racial hit dice, and 2 level adjustment.
- The Gnoll Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Gnoll you must start as at least a 4th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 1 level adjustment.
- The Arcane Hierophant requirements are changed as follows
- Dragonborn of Bahamut is a newly available race.
- Spellscale is a newly available race.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Spell Wings of Flurry is modified so that it does "1d6/caster level (maximum 10d6 for a 10th level caster)"
- The Prerequisites for the feat Dragon Breath are now "Racial Breath Weapon useable a specific number of times/day."
- No material may be used from this book unless specified below, or if it appears in another book
- Changelings, Shifters, and Warforged are available because they are in MM3.
- Artificer is a newly available Base class.
- Because there is no XP cost for item creation the Craft Reserve feature is modified as follows. At each level you get a reserve of gp that can be used for item creation. The reserve is equal to 5x the xp listed in the Artificer chart (100gp at 1st level, etc). This gp can be used for up to 50% of the material cost (25% of the base price) when creating a magic item.
- Because there is no XP cost for item creation the Retain Essence feature is modified as follows. Instead of XP, the disassembled item provides materials equal to 25% of the base price of the item.
- GMs may choose to give characters Action Points for use during specific modules. Otherwise, Action Points are unused in this campaign
- The following feats are available
- Education
- Knight Training
- Monastic Training
- Item Creation Feats
- Exceptional Artisan
- Extra Rings
- Extraordinary Artisan
- Legendary Artisan
- Shifter Feats - some of these are replaced by the version in Races of Eberron (RE)
- Beasthide Elite
- Great Bite
- Great Rend
- Healing Factor
- Shifter Defense
- Greater Shifter Defense
- Shifter Multiattack
- Warforged Feats - some of these are replaced by the version in Races of Eberron (RE)
- Improved Damage Reduction
- Improved Fortification
- Mithral Body — use RE version
- Mithral Fluidity
- Dragonmarks are not used in this campaign
- Eberron Deities may not be worshipped
- No prestige class may be taken without first meeting an NPC trainer in-game.
- Warforged Juggernaut is a newly available presitge class.
- Powerful Charge is available in the Miniature's Handbook (MH) and Monster Manual III (MM3), Greater Powerful Charge is available in the MH.
- Weretouched Master is a newly available prestige class.
- Warforged Juggernaut is a newly available presitge class.
- This campaign uses the great wheel cosmology for Outer Planes.
- The following Spells from this book are available as Artificer Infusions, the Artificer infusion list also includes spells found elsewhere that are available
- Armor Enhancement, Lesser
- Armor Enhancement
- Armor Enhancement, Greater
- Energy Alteration
- Inflict Light Damage
- Inflict Moderate Damage
- Inflict Serious Damage
- Inflict Critical Damage
- All Repair Damage spells can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC)
- Resistance Item
- Skill Enhancement
- Spell Storing Item
- Weapon Augmentation, Personal
- Weapon Augmentation, Lesser
- Weapon Augmentation
- Weapon Augmentation, Greater
- Toughen Construct
- Construct Energy Ward
- Construct Energy Ward, Greater
- Metamagic Item
- Power Surge
- Stone Construct
- Suppress Requirement
- Item Alteration
- Iron Construct
- Shield of Faith, Legion's has been renamed to Shield of Faith, Mass, the updated version is in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Disable Construct
- For the spell, Hardening, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Total Repair
- Armor Enhancement, Lesser
- Warforged Components are a newly available category of magic item
- Only Basic Components are available
- Docent Components and Artifact Components are not available.
- No material may be used from this book unless specified below, or if it appears in another book
- No psionic classes, feats, abilities, spells, or items are available at this time
- Warforged, Shifters, and Changelings can be found in Monster Manual III (MM3)
- The following feats are newly available
- Daylight Adaptation
- Master Linguist, note languages from this feat are in addition to ones you get by spending skill points.
- Mutable Body
- Persona Immersion
- Quick Change
- Racial Emulation
- Shaped Splash
- Stable Footing
- White Scorpion Strike
- Shifter Feats
- Cliffwalk Elite
- Dreamsight Elite
- Extra Shifter Trait
- Gorebrute Elite
- Longstride Elite
- Longtooth Elite
- Razorclaw Elite
- Reactive Shifting
- Shifter Agility
- Shifter Ferocity
- Shifter Instincts
- Shifter Savagery
- Shifter Stamina
- Swiftwing Elite
- Truedive Elite
- Wildhunt Elite
- Tactical Feats
- Battleshifter Training
- Brute Fighting
- Disturbing Visage
- Ragewild Fighting
- Warforged Feats
- Adamantine Body
- Cold Iron Tracery
- Construct Lock
- Improved Resiliency
- Ironwood Body
- Jaws of Death
- Mithral Body
- Second Slam
- Silver Tracery
- Spiked Body
- Unarmored Body
- The Following Racial Substitution Levels are available:
- Changeling Rogue
- Changeling Wizard
- Shifter Druid
- Shifter Ranger
- Warforged Artificer
- Warforged Fighter
- Warforged Paladin (of Honor)
- No prestige class may be taken without first meeting an NPC trainer in-game.
- Reachrunner is a newly available prestige class.
- Recaster is a newly available prestige class.
- Reforged is a newly available prestige class.
- Spellcarved Soldier is a newly available prestige class.
- The following magic items are available:
- In this campaign, Shifter Clawbracers have identical cost and functionality to the campaign version of an Amulet of Might Fists, however they use the arms item slot instead of the neck item slot.
- Vestment of Many Styles
- All Warforged Basic Components
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- 10th-level characters start with 46,200 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #28.
- 10th-level characters start with 49,000 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 10th-level characters start with 5 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Feats Adapted from the Eberron Campaign Setting
- Knight Training
- Monastic Training
- Exceptional Artisan
- Extraordinary Artisan
- Legendary Artisan
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting p. 96)
Potion Belt 1GP, 1lb.: This sturdy leather belt similar to a bandoleer has pockets shaped to hold potion vials and is fitted with ties of flaps to keep the potions from falling out. It holds six potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Masterwork Potion Belt 60GP, 1lb.: This extremely well-made potion belt holds ten potions. Retrieving a potion from a potion belt is a free action once per round.
Shaders 1SP, —: These are googles of a sort that fit over am orc's eyes with a loop of leather tightened behind the ears. Made from a piece of wood or bamboo with a thin slot carved in it to see out of, shaders negate an orc's light sensitivty but impose a -1 penalty on Spot checks.
(Adapted from Races of Eberron p. 103)
- New non-magic Items
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Crude Maquahuitl | 14 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 10 lb. | Bludgeoning and Piercing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Longbow, advanced | 100 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | ×3 | 110 ft. | 3 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Shortbow, advanced | 75 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | ×3 | 70 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Arrows (20) | 1 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Exotic Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 |
One-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 7 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | — | 4 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Maquahuitl (steel) | 13 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | ×2 | — | 6 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Two-Handed Melee Weapons | |||||||
Great Maquahuitl (obsidian) | 21 gp | 1d10 | 2d6 | x3 | — | 8 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Great Maquahuitl (steel) | 40 gp | 2d6 | 3d6 | ×2 | — | 12 lb. | Bludgeoning or Slashing |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Atlatl | 35 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | 50 ft. | 6 lb. | Piercing |
Darts, Atlatl (20) | 10 gp | — | — | — | — | 3 lb. | — |
Longbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced longbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a one-handed thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced longbow is treated as if it were a longbow and a composite longbow.
Shortbow, Advanced
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use an advanced shortbow while mounted. While similar to a composite bow, because of their construction all advanced bows can be used by people of any strength. When firing an arrow from this bow, add your strength modifier to the damage as if the arrow were a light thrown ranged weapon.
For purposes of weapon proficiency and similar feats, an advanced shortbow is treated as if it were a shortbow and a composite shortbow.
- When creating a character of 2nd level or higher, you have missed the opportunity to attend Festivals.
- For every 2 ECL of the character you are creating, you get 1 Fest Point, which can be spent to gain benefits you would otherwise have to attend a festival to receive.
- Spending fest points just gives you access to the game option, you still have to pay all of the normal costs.
- You can hold onto these points to spend at a later date, but you do not continue to earn points as you level.
- These points can be spent in the following manner
- 4 points: You can take 1 prestige class. Contact a GM (for instance in the character-creation channel in the Discord), and we can give you information about your in-game trainer. You must meet all prerequisites. If the class has an in-game action/role-playing as a prerequisite, your character must be able to take at least three levels of the prestige class in order to be considered qualified. Otherwise the pre-requisite will need to be met during the course of play.
- 2 points: Using the new Buyback rules you can buyback 1 LA.
- Variable points: You can have someone perform spellcasting, manifesting, etc. services. You need to spend fest points totaling 1/2 of the total spell levels, 1/4 of the total expended power points, or an equivalent amount for equivalent abilities.
- Characters always have access to anything the meet the prerequisites for in the Player's Handbook.
- Fighters are changed to have 6 skill points per level instead of 2. They have the following skills added to their list of class skills: *Gather Information* (CHA), *Listen* (WIS), *Search* (INT), *Spot* (WIS)
- To clarify, as Druids and Rangers advance, their animal companions only receive the benefits outlined in the PHB. Do not follow the rules for advancing monsters found in the Monster Manual. This means that an animal companions size does not change as they increase in hit dice.
- The spell Permanency can be used with the following spells
- If a below spell is personal it can only be made permanent if you cast it on yourself and you cast permanency.
- If a below spell affects a number of target creatures or objects, it only can be made permanent on one creature or object if the spell can function with just one target. Otherwise it is made permanent on the minimum number of targets required to make the spell function (usually 2).
- If a below spell affects a specific area (and not targets), it becomes anchored to a location.
- Any spell up to 3rd level that can be used with the Persistent Spell feat can be made permanent
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 14 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 6750 XP
- Any other spell that has a duration of 10 minutes/level or greater (including fixed durations as short as 8 hours).
- These spells cannot be made permanent if they are of the Conjuration, Enchantment, or Evocation schools. This also forbids multi-school spells where one of the schools isn't allowed.
- The minimum caster level for such a spell is 8 + Spell Level.
- The amount of XP required to make such a spell permanent is Spell Level * 500 XP
- If a spell not on the original permanency list would meet both requirements, use the lesser cost.
- The spell Time Stop is modified to read as the following for the purpose of this campaign
Time Stop
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining apparent time of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop appears to end for you. Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field while under the effect of time stop.
- Clarification on precision damage:
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- A full round action is not automatically a full attack action, even if it is used to make multiple attack rolls.
- Attacks of Opportunity do not apply precision damage, unless the specific precision damage says that they do.
- If you can deal precision damage other than Sneak Attack
- anything that would improve, hinder, or otherwise change how Sneak Attack works can also affect your precision damage.
- If you have more than one type of precision damage, the source of the change (including you if the change is from something like a feat) must choose which precision damage it applies to.
- In order to apply precision damage (such as Sneak Attack) more than once in a round, you must take the full attack action.
- The player starts with gold for their level as delineated in table 5-1 on page 135 of the DMG.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The "Leadership" feat is subject to the the following modification for this campaign: "Regardless of a character’s Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most one-half (rounding down) the character's level."
- Custom items built using the rules in the DMG can not be built during pre-generation (however see the information on fest points above).
- When crafting a magic item the requirement to pay 1/25 the base cost in xp is removed. If a spell has an xp component, that xp cost must still be paid.
- For the purposes of this campaign, the Amulet of Mighty Fists reads as follows:
Amulet of Mighty Fists
This amulet can be enchanted as if it were a melee weapon. It must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. It follows the rules for enchanting melee weapons with the exception that all costs are increased by 50%. As such it can have as much as a +5 enhancement bonus, and up to a further +5 in melee weapon special abilities. It may not have dancing, throwing, or any other ability that relies on the weapon being separate from the body. It has room for one weapon augment crystal (see MIC).
When you place this amulet around your neck, pick one natural weapon type, or pick unarmed strike. The chosen melee attack gains the weapon enhancements from the amulet. The effect ends when you remove the amulet. You may change the chosen attack type by removing the amulet and replacing it. This is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
You may increase the type of attacks affected by reducing the Enhancement bonus (down to a minimum of +1); for each 1 you reduce the Enhancement bonus by, choose an additional melee natural weapon or unarmed trike that this amulet affects. You may not reduce/remove special abilities in order to increase the types of attacks affected.
The caster level of this item with a special ability is given in the description of the special ability. For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.Faint evocation; CL See Text; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 (+6), 147,000 (+7), 192,000 (+8), 243,000 (+9), 300,000 (+10)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 9 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 10th level character.
- Gargoyle is a newly available race.
- Xill is a newly available race.
- Lycanthrope, Dire Werewolf (Natural) is a newly available template option.
- Lycanthrope, Werebear (Natural) is a newly available template option.
- Lycanthrope, Weretiger (Natural) is a newly available template option.
- Howler is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Manticore is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Winter Wolf is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Non-MM Races from the SRD (such as the Blue from the XPH) are not allowed at these levels.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The Healer base class has updated house rules here.
- The Favored Soul base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Warmage base class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available to a 2nd or 3rd level character.
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available unless creating an 8th level or higher character.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Align Fang, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Angelskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Baleful Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Benign Transposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bless Weapon, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Close Wounds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Conviction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Impending Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Demonhide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Protection, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Favorable Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guiding Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Holy Spurs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incite, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inhibit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lightfoot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lionheart, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Charge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Living Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Panacea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quick March, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revivify, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slashing Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Snake's Swiftness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tiger's Tooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Shadow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bigby's Slapping Hand, has been renamed to Slapping Hand and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Curse of Petty Failing, has been renamed to Curse of Ill Fortune and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Guided Arrow, has been renamed to Guided Shot and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee, has been renamed to Buzzing Bee and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Righteous Fury, has been renamed to Rhino's Rush and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Undeniable Gravity, has been renamed to Earthbind and can be found in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- The duom is not available for purchase.
- The fullblade is not available for purchase.
- Races found on pp. 5—7 are available
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 3 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 4th level character.
- Aquatic Races
- Dwarf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Aquatic (UA) is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Human, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Aquatic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Arctic Races
- Dwarf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Arctic is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Desert Races
- Dwarf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Desert is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Jungle Races
- Dwarf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Gnome, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Jungle is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Air
- Gnome, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Goblin, Air is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Earth
- Dwarf, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Kobold, Earth is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Fire
- Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Half-Elf, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Hobgoblin, Fire is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Races of Water
- Half-Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Halfling, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Orc, Water is a newly available race (SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available).
- Aquatic Races
- The paragon classes found on pp. 32-46 are available SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available.
- The Other Class Variants on pp. 58-59 are explicitly NOT available. (These are the variants without a special name where you lose a class feature and gain a feature from a different class)
- The following class variants are available (pp. 47-58):
- Totem Barbarian (Unearthed Arcana type) (p. 48) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Bardic Sage (p. 49) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Divine Bard (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Cloistered Cleric (p. 50) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Druidic Avenger (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Thug (p. 51) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Fighting Styles Monk (p.52)
- Paladin of Freedom - See House Rules
- Paladin of Tyranny - See House Rules
- Planar Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Urban Ranger (p. 55) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Wilderness Rogue (p. 56) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Battle Sorceror (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Domain Wizard (p. 57) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- The prestige versions of Bard, Paladin, and Ranger (pp. 69-72) are available. These classes count the same as their PHB counterparts.
- Bard (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Paladin (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- Ranger (Prestige, UA) SRD This is an external link provided for conveniece, only things which have been explictily referenced at kotd.wikidot.com are available
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ghost-Faced Killer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Enforcer prestige class is not permitted.
- The Nightsong Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- The Spymaster prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorb Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Accelerated Movement, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Allegro, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Mind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Balancing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blade Storm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bladeweave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bloodhound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Branch to branch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cacophonic Shield, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of the Sea, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Critical Strike, the version in Complete Mage (CM) is not an update but a different spell which should be recorded as Critical Strike (CM) and is not available until that book is available.
- For the spell, Critical Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Daggerspell Stance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dirge of Discord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dissonant Chord, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distort Speech, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Distract Assailant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Insight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Climb, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Easy Trail, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Embrace the Wild, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entangling Staff, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Exacting Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Focusing Chant, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Foebane, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golem Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Grave Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Guided Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Harmonic Chorus, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Haste, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healing Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Healthful Rest, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Herald's Call, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hindsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hymn of Praise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Improvisation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infernal Threnody, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insidious Rhythm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Insightful Feint, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Inspirational Boost, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Locksmith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Instant Search, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Invisibility, Swift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Iron Silence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Joyful Noise, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Coin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Listening Lorecall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Mindless Rage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nightstalker's Transformation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Protégé, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Form, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sniper's Shot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sonic Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spectral Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Speechlink, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tactical Precision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Train Animal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vine Strike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wail of Doom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, War Cry, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wracking Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wraithstrike, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For purposes of this campaign the Leap Attack feat reads as follows:
"You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack."
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Jump 8 ranks
Benefit: You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target you deal bonus damage equal to the attack penalty taken with your Power Attack feat (if you take a penalty of 5 to attack with Power Attack, you deal 5 bonus damage from Leap Attack). This is regardless of whether you are using a one-handed or two-handed weapon. - This attack must follow all the normal rules for using the Jump skill and for making a charge, except that you ignore rough terrain in any squares you jump over.
Note, there are two benefits to leap attack.
- The benefit to jump as part of a charge and ignore rough terrain jumped over, this can happen at any part of the charge.
- The benefit to deal extra damage based on Power Attack. This has the added requirement that the leap cover a minimum 10 ft. horizontal distance and end in a square from which you threaten the opponent.
Normal: You may not leap as part of a charge. You may not charge through rough terrain. You do not get additional damage just by leaping while charging.
- Alchemical capsules may be used to store potions, alchemical substances, and poisons.
- Such substances are limited to 1 oz of liquid (so something like tangelfoot wouldn't be a viable choice).
- This includes weapon alchemical capsules
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Warlock: 100 gp.
- Warmage: 75 gp.
- Wu Jen: 75 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Acolyte of the Skin prestige class is not permitted.
- The Alienist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Green Star Adept prestige class prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master Transmorgrifist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Suel Archanamach prestige class is not permitted.
- The Wayfarer Guide prestige class is not permitted.
- For Mage of the Arcane Order there are several guilds operating their own Spellpools. Which guild the player is part of is determined by which NPC trainer brought them in. By default only spells from the Player's Handbook are available, however there may be guilds that have different Spellpools.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Absorption, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aiming at the Target, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Animate Wood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticipate Teleportation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arc of Lightning, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Arrow of Bone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Backbiter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bands of Steel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blackfire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blades of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blast of Flame, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blink, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blistering Radiance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Corpse Candle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Darkvision, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Defenestrating Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Discern Shapechanger, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Duelward, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthen Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enhance Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Familiar Pocket, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fiendform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shield, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Shuriken, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fireburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fist of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flensing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fly, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fortify Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Freezing Fog, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghostform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart of Stone, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Heart Ripper, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ice Knife, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Illusory Pit, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Low-light Vision, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mage Armor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Acid, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Electricity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Fire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Force, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Orb of Sound, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Assailants, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Prismatic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Programmed Amnesia, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reaving Dispel, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Reciprocal Gyre, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Refusal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resist Energy, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resonating Bolt, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ring of Blades, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Servant Horde, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Binding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sign of Sealing, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritwall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stony Grasp, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Elemental Monolith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Swim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Darkness, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sword of Deception, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Thornskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transfix, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Transmute Rock to Lava, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unluck, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vitriolic Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Gloom, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirling Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Withering Palm, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Rot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Assay Resistance, has been renamed to Assay Spell Resistance and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Chameleon, has been renamed to Camouflage and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Force Whip, has been renamed to Sonic Whip and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Leomund's Hidden Lodge, has been renamed to Hidden Lodge and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Otiluke's Greater Dispelling Screen, has been renamed to Dispelling Screen, Greater and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Black Flame Zealot prestige class is not permitted.
- The Blighter prestige class is not permitted.
- The Master of Shrouds prestige class is superseded by the revised version listed in Libris Mortis, and not available to a 4th or 5th level character.
- The Void Disciple prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Anger of the Noonday Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Awaken, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beast Claws, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Beget Bogun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Binding Winds, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessed Aim, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blessing of Bahamut, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Body of the Sun, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bottle of Smoke, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brain Spider, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brambles, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Briar Web, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Brilliant Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Camouflage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Castigate, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Chain of Eyes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudburst, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloudwalkers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cometfall, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contagious Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Creeping Cold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Crumble, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Curse of Ill Fortune, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dance of the Unicorn, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Decomposition, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Deific Vengeance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Detect Favored Enemy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Agility, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Divine Sacrifice, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Doomtide, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Vortex, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enveloping Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fire Wings, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fires of Purity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flame of Faith, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Forestfold, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Golden Barding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hawkeye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Implacable Pursuer, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Infestation of Maggots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Languor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Last Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mark of the Hunter, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miasma, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Murderous Mist, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Avatar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nature's Favor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Naturewatch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Nimbus of Light, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Decoy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Disorientation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Bear, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Stag, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Wolf, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Thorns, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Poison Vines, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Probe Thoughts, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Quill Blast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Recitation, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rejuvenation Cocoon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Renewal Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Resurgence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revenance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sacred Haven, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sandblast, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scent, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shadow Landscape, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Spell Resistance, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spikes, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spiritual Chariot, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Standing Wave, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm of Elemental Fury, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Storm Tower, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stormrage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Subvert Planar Essence, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Telepathic Bond, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tidal Surge, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Tortoise Shell, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Traveler's Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unbinding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Unyielding Roots, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, Mass Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vigorous Circle, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Visage of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Waterspout, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wave of Grief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weapon of the Deity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Weather Eye, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Whirlwind, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winged Mount, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wood Wose, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- For the spell, Zeal, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Zealot Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The spell, Bane Bow, has been renamed to Foebane and can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Divine Metamagic feat has the additional restriction:
- While the spell slot doesn't change, you must have access to a spell of the level equivalent of the spell and applied metamagic.
- For example, if you were to use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered Holy Smite you must be able to cast a 6th level divine spell (such as an 11th level Cleric with a Wisdom of 16 or higher). This stacks such that a 15th level Cleric with an 18 or higher Wisdom and both Divine Metamagic (Empower Spell) and Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell) could not use Divine Metamagic to cast an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite, even though he could individually cast an Empowered Holy Smite or a Quickened Holy Smite, because an Empowered, Quickened Holy Smite would normally require a 10th level Spell Slot.
- Multiple Nightsticks do not "stack."
- The cost of the equipment (including the gold) from the starting packages are as follows:
- Hexblade: 150 gp.
- Samurai: 50 gp.
- Swashbuckler: 150 gp.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Eye of Gruumsh prestige class is not permitted.
- The Frenzied Bezerker prestige class is not permitted.
- The Purple Dragon Knight prestige class is retitled "Silver Dragon Knight", as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- The Ravager prestige class is not permitted.
- The Thayan Knight prestige class is not permitted, as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- For the Hulking Hurler, see this page for new rules on improvised weapon damage.
- For the Warshaper, you may only select one type of natural weapon for "Morphic Weapons" at any one time. If you choose a second natural weapon type,you lose the benefit of "Morphic Weapons" for the first type chosen.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Augment Familiar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cursed Blade, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Lion's Roar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantom Threat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- The Shock Trooper tactical Feat is unavailable.
- The spell Draconic Polymorph in the spell list on p. 268 is found in the Draconomicon (Dr) and isn't available until 6th level.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Master's Touch, use the updated version in Player's Handbook II (PH2).
- For the spell, Slime Wave, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (FCI).
- For the spell, Wrack, use the updated version in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (FCI).
- Information on who grants Domains shown the Appendix: Domain Spells can be found here
- A double-weapon only has a single slot for an augment crystal, the effect of the crystal will affect both parts of the weapon.
- In addition to what's found in the book, the following properties are available:
Modular (Least)
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC 15) Transmutation
Activation: —Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
This object has the capability of attaching an additional augment crystal. When used on a double-weapon, the augment crystal only affects the part of the weapon for which this property was taken. An augment crystal attached to this slot is limited to being a least crystal. You may add this property more than once to have more slots.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Lesser) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least)Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.
One of the slots created by Modular (Least) now can accept up to a lesser crystal. You may add this property more than once, up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Least). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property can now accept a lesser crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
Modular (Greater) [Synergy]
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Armor, shield or weapon
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong; (DC 23) Transmutation
Activation: —
Synergy Prerequisite: Modular (Least), Modular (Lesser)
Closely examining this object, you notice a shallow depression in an unobtrusive place. It doesn't seem to affect the use of the item.One of the slots created by Modular (Least) and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) now can accept up to a greater crystal. You may add this property more than once (although to do so would require an epic item), up to the number of times you've taken Modular (Lesser). Each time you add this property another slot created by another Modular (Least) property and upgraded by Modular (Lesser) property can now accept a greater crystal.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Cost to Create: Varies.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Player's Handbook II (PH2)
- The Beguiler is a newly available core class.
- The Dragon Shaman is a newly available core class.
- The Duskblade is a newly available core class.
- The Knight is a newly available core class.
- Alternate Class Features:
- If you have replaced a Class Feature with an Alternate Class Feature and you take a Prestige Class or Feat that would improve the original Class Feature as if you had gained levels in the original Class, you improve the Alternate Class Feature instead of gaining the original Class Feature. If a Prestige Class would give you a new Class Feature that is different from the original Class Feature but references the original Class Feature, your effective Class Level for the original Class Feature is 0.
- Example: Submlime Chord grants Bardic Knowledge and specifies that it stacks with Bardic Knowledge granted by Bard. If you choose to take the Bardic Knack Alternate Class Feature, you instead gain Bardic Knack and it stacks with Bardic Knack granted by the Bard.
- Example: Even though the Lore ability granted by the Loremaster works similarly to Bardic Knowledge, it is not replaced with Bardic Knack if the Loremaster Presitge Class is taken by a Bard that has taken the Bardic Knack Alternate Class Feature.
- Elusive Attack, Counterattack, and Overpowering Attack are each full-round actions and cannot be used simultaneously.
- The double damage from the Overpowering Attack and Decisive Strike alternate class features has the following limitations:
- Extra dice over and above the weapon's normal damage dice are not doubled.
- If you score a critical hit with the attack, instead of doubling the damage, increase the critical hit multiplier by 1.
- The penalty to hit from Decisive Strike is only on the first attack.
- For the Immediate Magic, Sudden Shift (transmutation) alternate class ability:
- Your maneuverability for the fly speed is good if Tiny or smaller, average if Small or Medium, and poor if Large or larger.
- You may also select burrow (soft earth) instead of the other movement modes.
- If you have replaced a Class Feature with an Alternate Class Feature and you take a Prestige Class or Feat that would improve the original Class Feature as if you had gained levels in the original Class, you improve the Alternate Class Feature instead of gaining the original Class Feature. If a Prestige Class would give you a new Class Feature that is different from the original Class Feature but references the original Class Feature, your effective Class Level for the original Class Feature is 0.
- Feats:
- Adaptable Flanker has the additional requirement of "Character Level 8th".
- If you can threaten the correct square it is possible to flank with yourself with this feat. An opponent cannot be flanked from a square which it occupies.
- For Arcane Thesis, if you apply more than one metamagic feat, only one is reduced, so the overall level of the spell is one less than it would be. For example, an empowered and maximized thesis spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell's actual slot (rather than the normal five levels higher).
- In addition, you must be able to cast the spell as if you didn't have the reduction. For example if you were to cast Quickened Bear's Endurance, it would use a 5th level spell slot, but you must be able to cast 6th level spells (such as an 11th level Wizard with an Intelligence of 16 or higher).
- For Brutal Strike, the DC is calculated by just what the raw Power Attack feat would give you (the penalty you take to attack, or double that if using a weapon in a two-handed manner). It does not count any extra damage from other feats or class abilities that reference Power Attack.
- For Combat Familiar, this benefit only applies if your familiar is size Tiny or smaller.
- For Driving Attack, this includes any damage bonus not derived from dice. Anything that multiplies damage usually multiplies the damage bonus as well for this purpose.
- For Elven Spell Lore, you may only select acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, or sonic as the new damage type. For spells that deal multiple damage types, all damage is altered to the new type. This cannot modify ability damage dealt by a spell.
- For Fade Into Violence, change "that foe strikes your ally rather than you" to "if that foe tries to make an attack against you, it must instead make that attack against your ally that it also threatens".
- Lunging Strike does not increase the number of squares you are considered to be threatening for purposes of other feats and abilities.
- Adaptable Flanker has the additional requirement of "Character Level 8th".
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Cityscape (Ci)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Ebonmar Infiltrator prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 Dungeonscape (Du)
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Dungeon Lord prestige class is not permitted.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Cryokineticist prestige class is not permitted.
- The Winterhaunt of Iborighu prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Chosen of Iborighu" feat is not permitted
- The Following spells are banned
- The "Ice Assassin" spell is not permitted.
- The "Fimbulwinter" spell is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Snow, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Anticold Sphere, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mantle of the Icy Soul, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Winter's Embrace, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Sandshaper prestige class is not permitted.
- The Walker in the Waste prestige class is not permitted.
- The "Drift Magic" feat is not permitted.
- The "Touchstone" feat is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Transcribe Symbol, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Sand, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wall of Water, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Shapesand, a special material, cannot be used to emulate splash weapons, explosives, or any alchemical items.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Unholy Ravager of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- The Talon of Tiamat prestige class is not permitted.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Animate Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antidragon Aura, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Antimagic Ray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Evasion, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Aura of Terror, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blinding Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Burning Blood, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cheat, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Cloak of Bravery, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Contingent Energy Resistance, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dispelling Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Draconic Might, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, Lesser, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Ally, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragon Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonsight, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Dragonskin, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Earthbind, use the updated version in Monster Manual V (MM5).
- For the spell, Energy Immunity, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Enervating Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Entice Gift, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ethereal Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fell the Greatest Foe, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Find the gap, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Flight of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hide From Dragons, use the updated version in Dragonmarked (Dra).
- For the spell, Hide from Dragons, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Hiss of Sleep, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Imperious Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Maddening Whispers, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Magic Fang, Superior, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Mesmerizing Glare, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Miser's Envy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Phantasmal Thief, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Razorfangs, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Rebuking Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scale Weakening, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scintillating Scales, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sharptooth, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Shield of Warding, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stunning Breath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Suppress Breath Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Voice of the Dragon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Vulnerability, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wingbind, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Wings of Air, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Critical Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Light Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Minor Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Moderate Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Repair Serious Damage, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Scatterspray, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- All [EPIC] feats are not available.
- All [metabreath] feats have the pre-requisite of "breath weapon" changed to "breath weapon, minimum twice/day".
- The "Large and in Charge" feat is not available.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Cohort" feat reads as follows:
- "You gain service of a loyal dragon ally"
- Prerequisite: Character Level 9th, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic
- Benefit: You gain a cohort with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Leadership feat and subject to the same restrictions. However, regardless of a character's Leadership score, they can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's level.
- For purposes of this campaign the "Dragon Familiar" feat reads as follows:
- "When you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may select a wyrmling true dragon, or a tiny non-true dragon as a familiar"
- Prerequisite: Charisma 13, the ability to permanently speak & understand Draconic, Arcane Caster Level 7th, ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment.
- Benefit: You gain a familiar with the Dragon type, just as you would by selecting the Improved Familiar feat. However, the only familiars available with this feat are creatures size Tiny or smaller with the Dragon Type and true dragons that are in the wyrmling age category. In order to take a Dragon as a familiar, if it naturally has an Intelligence higher than 3 or is not Neutral, your alignment must match the alignment in the creatures' stat block. Further, you can only gain a familiar whose ECL is at most two more than one-half (rounding down) the character's arcane caster level. A creature's ECL is the greater of their Challenge Rating plus 2 or the sum of their Hit Dice and Level Adjustment (if any).
- Normal: When gaining a familiar, you are limited to the animals listed in the PHB.
- The "Sense Weakness" feat is not available.
- Nothing may be taken from this book unless explicitly listed
- Feats:
- No feat may be taken from this book. Some of the feats listed in this book are available from other books.
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Abeil, Vassal is a newly available race. Please refer to the racial traits here.
- Bladeling is not available as a race due to being from Acheron.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Monster Manual III (MM3)
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Changeling is a newly available race.
- Gnoll, Flind is a newly available race.
- Goatfolk (Ibixian) is a newly available race.
- Goblin, Forestkith is a newly available race.
- Kenku is a newly available race.
- Lizardfolk, Blackscale is a newly available race.
- Lizardfolk, Posion Dusk is a newly available race.
- Nycter is a newly available race.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- You are also subject to additional restrictions listed Here
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
- Drow of the Underdark (DrU)
- The feat "Sadistic Reward" is not available.
- [Vile] feats are not available.
- The "Sudden Swarm" invocation is not available.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play
- The Demonbinder prestige class is not available.
- The Kinslayer prestige class is not available.
- The Drow Racial Class is not available; in order to play a Drow you must start as a 3rd level character with one class level and 2 level adjustment.
- The Following Races are newly available:
- Elf, Albino Drow (Szarkai) is a newly available race.
- Goblinoid, Vril is a newly available race. See Errata for missing information. Vulnerability to Poison is a -4 to Saves vs the specific poisons listed.
- Dragon, Deep is not available as a race. They may be taken as cohorts subject to those restrictions.
- Quaggoth is not available as a race. The entry was poorly edited. My best guess is it has 4 racial HD, a +2 Level Adjustment, and the following adjustments to ability scores: +8 Str, +4 Con, -4 Int, +2 Wis. However, the stat blocks are contradictory.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Human, Illumian is a newly available race.
- For clarity, an Illumian may only ever have two Power Sigils, which make one Illumian Word. You get the first Power Sigil at character creation, and the second when you reach 2nd level in any class
- Human, Mongrelfolk is a newly available race.
- Human, Sea Kin is a newly available race.
- Human, Sharakim is a newly available race.
- Human, Skulk is a newly available race.
- The Skulk Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Skulk you must start as at least a 4th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 1 level adjustment.
- Human, Underfolk is a newly available race.
- Ogre, Half-Ogre is a newly available race.
- Human, Illumian is a newly available race.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Bestow Curse, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Delay Death, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Omen of Peril, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Stalwart Pact, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Feats:
- Diverse Background is not an available feat. There are no experience penalties for Multiclassing in KotD. Favored class is a flavor option.
- For purposes of this campaign the Human Heritage feat reads as follows:
"Your human heritage is more prominent than in others of your kind."
Prerequisite: Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Ogre, Half-Orc, Illumian, Mongrelfolk, Sea Kin, Sharakim, Skulk, or Underfolk
Benefit: You are treated as a humanoid with the human subtype for the purpose of adjudicating all effects. If you are not a humanoid, your type changes to humanoid and you gain the human subtype. If you are already a humanoid, you gain the human subtype. In either case, you retain any other subtypes you had (such as orc or extraplanar), and you retain any traits common to all creatures of your original type (such as darkvision). You gain 4 additional skill points.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level. This is a one time change to your base type/subtype(s). If something else modifies your type/subtype(s) follow the instructions for that change, you retain the skill points.
- Races of Stone (RS)
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- Dwarf, Dream is a newly available race.
- Goliath is a newly available race.
- Goliath, Feral Gargun is a newly available race.
- The Feral Gargun Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Feral Gargun you must start as at least a 5th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 2 level adjustment.
- Gnome, Chaos is a newly available race.
- Gnome, Whisper is a newly available race.
- Stonechild is a newly available race.
- The Stonechild Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Stonechild you must start as at least a 7th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 4 level adjustment.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- Iron Mind is not currently available
- Feats:
- Earth Spell only changes the affect of Heighten Spell. It does not do anything if you don't use Heighten Spell to increase the spell's level. To be clear, the spells effective level is whatever Heighten Spell would set it to be plus one.
- No [Psionic] feats are available at this time.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 8th level character.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 7 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for an 8th level character.
- Raptoran is a newly available race.
- Catfolk is a newly available race.
- Killoren is a newly available race.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Arcane Hierophant requirements are changed as follows
- Alignment: Any non-lawful.
- Base Attack Bonus: +4.
- Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks.
- Spells: Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells and 2nd-level divine spells.
- Special: Woodland Stride class feature.
- The Ruathar prestige class requires you to have been given the title of Elf-friend due to service to one of the communities of elves.
- The Centaur Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Centaur you must start as at least a 7th level character with 1 class level, 4 racial hit dice, and 2 level adjustment.
- The Gnoll Monster Class is not available; in order to play a Gnoll you must start as at least a 4th level character with 1 class level, 2 racial hit dice, and 1 level adjustment.
- The Arcane Hierophant requirements are changed as follows
- Dragonborn of Bahamut is a newly available race.
- Spellscale is a newly available race.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Spell Wings of Flurry is modified so that it does "1d6/caster level (maximum 10d6 for a 10th level caster)"
- The Prerequisites for the feat Dragon Breath are now "Racial Breath Weapon useable a specific number of times/day."
- No material may be used from this book unless specified below, or if it appears in another book
- Changelings, Shifters, and Warforged are available because they are in MM3.
- Artificer is a newly available Base class.
- Because there is no XP cost for item creation the Craft Reserve feature is modified as follows. At each level you get a reserve of gp that can be used for item creation. The reserve is equal to 5x the xp listed in the Artificer chart (100gp at 1st level, etc). This gp can be used for up to 50% of the material cost (25% of the base price) when creating a magic item.
- Because there is no XP cost for item creation the Retain Essence feature is modified as follows. Instead of XP, the disassembled item provides materials equal to 25% of the base price of the item.
- GMs may choose to give characters Action Points for use during specific modules. Otherwise, Action Points are unused in this campaign
- The following feats are available
- Education
- Knight Training
- Monastic Training
- Item Creation Feats
- Exceptional Artisan
- Extra Rings
- Extraordinary Artisan
- Legendary Artisan
- Shifter Feats - some of these are replaced by the version in Races of Eberron (RE)
- Beasthide Elite
- Great Bite
- Great Rend
- Healing Factor
- Shifter Defense
- Greater Shifter Defense
- Shifter Multiattack
- Warforged Feats - some of these are replaced by the version in Races of Eberron (RE)
- Improved Damage Reduction
- Improved Fortification
- Mithral Body — use RE version
- Mithral Fluidity
- Dragonmarks are not used in this campaign
- Eberron Deities may not be worshipped
- No prestige class may be taken without first meeting an NPC trainer in-game.
- Warforged Juggernaut is a newly available presitge class.
- Powerful Charge is available in the Miniature's Handbook (MH) and Monster Manual III (MM3), Greater Powerful Charge is available in the MH.
- Weretouched Master is a newly available prestige class.
- Warforged Juggernaut is a newly available presitge class.
- This campaign uses the great wheel cosmology for Outer Planes.
- The following Spells from this book are available as Artificer Infusions, the Artificer infusion list also includes spells found elsewhere that are available
- Armor Enhancement, Lesser
- Armor Enhancement
- Armor Enhancement, Greater
- Energy Alteration
- Inflict Light Damage
- Inflict Moderate Damage
- Inflict Serious Damage
- Inflict Critical Damage
- All Repair Damage spells can be found in the Spell Compendium (SpC)
- Resistance Item
- Skill Enhancement
- Spell Storing Item
- Weapon Augmentation, Personal
- Weapon Augmentation, Lesser
- Weapon Augmentation
- Weapon Augmentation, Greater
- Toughen Construct
- Construct Energy Ward
- Construct Energy Ward, Greater
- Metamagic Item
- Power Surge
- Stone Construct
- Suppress Requirement
- Item Alteration
- Iron Construct
- Shield of Faith, Legion's has been renamed to Shield of Faith, Mass, the updated version is in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Disable Construct
- For the spell, Hardening, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- Total Repair
- Armor Enhancement, Lesser
- Warforged Components are a newly available category of magic item
- Only Basic Components are available
- Docent Components and Artifact Components are not available.
- No material may be used from this book unless specified below, or if it appears in another book
- No psionic classes, feats, abilities, spells, or items are available at this time
- Warforged, Shifters, and Changelings can be found in Monster Manual III (MM3)
- The following feats are newly available
- Daylight Adaptation
- Master Linguist, note languages from this feat are in addition to ones you get by spending skill points.
- Mutable Body
- Persona Immersion
- Quick Change
- Racial Emulation
- Shaped Splash
- Stable Footing
- White Scorpion Strike
- Shifter Feats
- Cliffwalk Elite
- Dreamsight Elite
- Extra Shifter Trait
- Gorebrute Elite
- Longstride Elite
- Longtooth Elite
- Razorclaw Elite
- Reactive Shifting
- Shifter Agility
- Shifter Ferocity
- Shifter Instincts
- Shifter Savagery
- Shifter Stamina
- Swiftwing Elite
- Truedive Elite
- Wildhunt Elite
- Tactical Feats
- Battleshifter Training
- Brute Fighting
- Disturbing Visage
- Ragewild Fighting
- Warforged Feats
- Adamantine Body
- Cold Iron Tracery
- Construct Lock
- Improved Resiliency
- Ironwood Body
- Jaws of Death
- Mithral Body
- Second Slam
- Silver Tracery
- Spiked Body
- Unarmored Body
- The Following Racial Substitution Levels are available:
- Changeling Rogue
- Changeling Wizard
- Shifter Druid
- Shifter Ranger
- Warforged Artificer
- Warforged Fighter
- Warforged Paladin (of Honor)
- No prestige class may be taken without first meeting an NPC trainer in-game.
- Reachrunner is a newly available prestige class.
- Recaster is a newly available prestige class.
- Reforged is a newly available prestige class.
- Spellcarved Soldier is a newly available prestige class.
- The following magic items are available:
- In this campaign, Shifter Clawbracers have identical cost and functionality to the campaign version of an Amulet of Might Fists, however they use the arms item slot instead of the neck item slot.
- Vestment of Many Styles
- All Warforged Basic Components
- No material may be used from this book unless specified below, or if it appears in another book
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 9 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 10th level character.
- Diabolus is a newly available race.
- Even though you have the chaotic subtype, your character does not need to have a chaotic alignment. But things that care about your alignment will treat your character as having a chaotic alignment in addition to your actual alignment.
- Diopsid is a newly available race with the following changes:
- Extra Arms:
- The extra arms cannot wield weapons on their own and do not qualify the Diopsid for Multiweapon Fighting or any feats for which three or more limbs is a prerequisite.
- Using a medium two-handed weapon with one primary arm and a secondary arm works as if you were a large creature wielding a medium two-handed weapon one-handed and has a -2 to attacks made with the weapon.
- Insect Body: The cost multiplier to make custom armor for a Diopsid is the same as for all custom armor.
- Level Adjustment: +2 (increased from +1 in the book)
- Extra Arms:
- Lupin is a newly available race.
- Tibbit is a newly available race.
- Diabolus is a newly available race.
- The following Base classes are newly available:
- Battle Dancer
- Jester
- Urban Druid
- No prestige class may be taken without first meeting an NPC trainer in-game.
- Aerial Avenger is a newly available prestige class
- Cerebrex is a newly available prestige class
- Fleet Runner of Ehlonna is a newly available prestige class
- Flux Adept is a newly available prestige class
- Force Missile Mage is a newly available prestige class
- Monk of the Enabled Hand is a newly available prestige class
- Osteomancer is a newly available prestige class
- The skills and skill usages described on pp. 93-96 are available.
- Camouflage Netting as described on p. 95 is a newly available non-magical item. A Colossal netting can cover up to a 30-ft tall structure, and such a structure can hold up to 77 small or medium creatures without squeezing (3 floors of 36, 25, and 16 squares each). However, if not using a structure, up to 36 small or medium creatures on the ground can be covered by Colossal netting without squeezing.
- Ballista Proficiency, Block Arrow, Coordinated Shot, Expert Siege Engineer, Guerrilla Scout, Guerrilla Warrior, Mounted Mobility, and Shield Wall are newly available feats.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- The Archivist is a newly available core class.
- Archivists may not use new spells in HH at this level, they can only learn spells other divine casting classes have access to. It cannot learn spells from Dread Necromancer because Dread Necromancer is an arcane class.
- Archivists follow the same rules as Wizards and Wu Jen for adding spells to their book (spellbook in the case of Wizard, prayerbook in the case of Archivist).
- The Dread Necromancer is a newly available core class.
- Dread Necromancers are not required to be non-good. However, using the Dread Necromancer class abilities Charnel Touch, Rebuke Undead, Negative Energy Burst, Fear Aura, Scabrous Touch, and Enervating Touch have the same affect on alignment as casting a spell with the [Evil] descriptor.
- The Lich Transformation class feature has exactly the benefits described in the class feature and no others. You do not gain the Lich template on top of the benefits listed. For purposes of this campaign, this class feature is optional and is a very evil act.
- Dread Necromancers may use new spells in HH that are on the Dread Necromancer spell list. Other classes may not use these spells at this character level even if they are on that class's list unless otherwise noted in these rules.
- No other classes, feats, alternate class features, races, spells, or equipment are available at this time.
- Some of the spells in this book have been updated. Please use the newest version. If the book mentioned is not one that is generally available yet at this level, you can still reference it just for the spell.
- For the spell, Avascular Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Avasculate, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Awaken Undead, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Blade of Pain and Fear, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Bloodstar, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Clutch of Orcus, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Consumptive Field, Greater, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Consumptive Field, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Death Ward, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ectoplasmic Armor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ectoplasmic Feedback, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Energy Ebb, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Fangs of the Vampire King, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghost Touch Armor, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghost Touch Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghost Trap, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghostform, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghoul Gauntlet, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Ghoul Glyph, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incorporeal Enhancement, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Incorporeal Nova, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Kiss of the Vampire, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Night's Caress, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Plague of Undead, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Protection from Negative Energy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Protection from Positive Energy, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Restoration, Mass, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Revive Undead, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Sheltered Vitality, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spark of Life, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spawn Screen, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Spectral Touch, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Undead I, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Undead II, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Undead III, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Undead IV, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Summon Undead V, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Undead Bane Weapon, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- For the spell, Veil of Undeath, use the updated version in the Spell Compendium (SpC).
- A character may not have more than one template applied.
- No creatures with more than a combined total of 9 (racial hit dice and levels of adjustment) may be taken for a 10th level character.
- Cinderspawn is a newly available race.
- Deathlock is a newly available race.
- Desiccator is a newly available race.
- Evolved Undead is a newly available template. Note because you are limited to a single template, the base creature has to be undead without use of a template, and you cannot stack this template as normal.
- Ghost Brute is a newly available template.
- Gravetouched Ghoul is a newly available template.
- Half-Vampire is a newly available template.
- Hooded Pupil is a newly available template.
- Mummified Creature is a newly available template.
- For the purpose of this campaign, when creating a character or cohort, Necropolitan has a +1 Level Adjustment to account for the "level loss". If you wish to acquire the template during play, it needs to be done at a Rich Fest or other event offering personal initiatives. Further the lost level is converted to a +1 level adjustment. If you can afford it and are a sufficiently high level, the level adjustment can be immediately bought off in accordance with campaign rules on level adjustment buy-off.
- This book may not be used before 18th level except as an updated reference for feats, items, and spells published elsewhere.
- 11th-level characters start with 55,800 XP, and may not play in KotD modules #1 - #31.
- 11th-level characters start with 66,000 GP as shown in the Character Wealth by Level table in the DMG (p. 135).
- 11th-level characters start with 5 Fest Points (see below).
- The player now has access to the following books:
- Paladins of any Alignment
- Paladin of Honor (Lawful Good) (PHB p. 42)
- Paladin of Order (Lawful Neutral)
- Paladin of Tyranny (Lawful Evil) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of the Self (Neutral Evil)
- Paladin of Nature (True Neutral)
- Paladin of Civilization (True Neutral)
- Your Pal Dan (Chaotic Neutral)
- Paladin of Freedom (Chaotic Good) (Adapted from UA)
- Paladin of Community (Neutral Good)
- Witch is a newly available class. Adapted from DMG p. 175, details found here.
- The following are new feats available in this campaign:
Natural Weapon Training [General]
"Through dedicated practice, you've learned to harness the true potential of the weapons inherently available to your form."
At least one non-manufactured natural weapon
One Natural Weapon (including pairs and sets, such as 2 claws or 8 tentacles. Something like bite+gore is not a set) is treated as a Manufactured weapon in addition to being natural, the same as a Monk's unarmed strike. The following rules now apply to this weapon:
Weapon is free
A weapon can be used to attack only if the limb it's on is not being used for something else, such as holding another weapon or shield, or used for material or somatic components.
Iterative Attacks
When making a full attack, a single free natural weapon from the set can be used as your "main hand" and gets iterative attacks for high BAB in the same way as other manufactured weapons.
Secondary Attacks
The Natural Weapon can no longer be used to make secondary attacks, and can no longer be used as part of the prerequisites for Multiattack.
Off-hand Attacks
Each free weapon in the set can be used for off-hand attacks just as if attacking off-hand with a light manufactured weapon.
Light Weapon and Unarmed Strike
This feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for purposes of meeting prerequisites.
The weapon can also count as a light weapon and an unarmed strike for the purposes of utilizing abilities and applying benefits. Changing the base damage of this weapon is handled on a case by case basis.
Strength and Damage
Whether used as a main-hand or off-hand weapon, it gets the same bonus to damage from strength as it did before taking this feat. The damage is also of the same type as before, and any secondary affects of the attack still apply.
When interacting with feats like Power Attack, the weapon is treated as a one-handed weapon being used in one hand if it's the main-hand weapon, it is treated as a light weapon being used in one hand if it's an off-hand weapon.
The feat Weapon Finesse and similar feats can always be applied to these weapons if you have it.
If the weapon was part of a set, this feat counts as (and gives the benefits of) either Two-Weapon Fighting (if the weapon set is a slam, 2 slams, a claw, or 2 claws) or Multi-Weapon Fighting. You only get the benefits of those feats when using part of the weapon set as an off-hand attack.
If you had Multiattack, but no longer qualify for it, you can replace it with Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-Weapon Fighting, or Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting if you meet the prerequisites. Those feats can only be used when using this weapon as part of an off-hand attack.
Natural weapons are different from manufactured weapons. Natural weapons are not unarmed strikes.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different set of Natural Weapons you possess.
This feat may be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
This feat may be taken by a Monk instead of one of the other bonus feat options they get at certain levels.
Weapon Arts [General]
"Through focused training with a weapon, you have incorporated it into your other martial arts."
1st level Monk
Choose a weapon that allows you to make an iterative attack when at +6 or higher BAB. That weapon is treated as a Monk weapon for the purpose of things like Flurry of Blows.
Further, if the base weapon does less damage than your unarmed strike, you may use the unarmed strike damage as the base damage for the weapon.
The Monk may only use a specific list of weapons with features like Flurry of Blows.
This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it applies to a different weapon.
You may select this feat whenever you would be allowed to choose a bonus feat as a Monk.
Charge-by-Attack [General]
"For the exceptionally quick, and agile it is possible to charge past an opponent while making an attack."
Dodge, Mobility, walk speed 40ft. or greater
Mobility can be substituted for Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting requirements. This does not let you benefit from abilities that require you to dismount or make a ride check.
Charge-By-Attack counts as Ride-By-Attack for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
When you use the charge action with your ground movement, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your speed. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you attack.
If your walk speed is temporarily reduced, you temporarily lose the ability to continue moving after a charge. You also temporarily lose the benefit of anything triggered by performing a Ride-By-Attack unless you are actually mounted and have Ride-by-Attack as a separate feat.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
- New Feats Adapted from the Eberron Campaign Setting
- Knight Training
- Monastic Training
- Exceptional Artisan
- Extraordinary Artisan
- Legendary Artisan
- New Magic Items
Glasses of Reading, Minor
When you wear this pair of masterwork glasses, you are considered to be under the effect of Read Magic.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic; Price 1,600 gp
Glasses of Reading
As Glasses of Reading, Minor. In addition, if you touch a piece of writing in an unknown language (or the speaker of an unknown language), you may read the language as if under the effect of Comprehend Languages. If you do this for a second unknown language, it replaces the first language. If you are illiterate in your own language, that counts as an unknown language, and you may touch yourself to be able to read it using the glasses. You still do not understand the spoken language if you did not before using the glasses.
Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages; Price 3,100 gp
Glasses of Reading, Major
As Glasses of Reading. In addition, you are under the effect of Arcane Sight, but without the signature glowing blue eyes.
Moderate divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, comprehend languages, arcane sight; Price 50,100 gp
- New non-magic Items (Adapted from the Forg