Book Restrictions
Book Access by ECL
Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 Player's Handbook (PHB)
- Writing a New Spell Into a Spellbook - use the process described on p.178 of the PHB with the following exception - there are no special materials/cost required.
- In the feat Leadership it states "Regardless of a character’s Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort who is two or more levels lower than himself." For the purposes of this campaign, this part of the feat is changed to read "Regardless of a character’s Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort whose ECL is at most one-half (rounding down) the character's level."
Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG)
- First Available for Use after 2nd level.
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Red Wizard prestige class is not permitted, as the campaign is not set in the Forgotten RealmsTM.
- The Thaumaturgist's "Planar Cohort" ability states "and must have an ECL no higher than the thaumaturgist’s character level –2". For the purposes of this campaign, this part of the ability is changed to read "and must have an ECL no higher than the thaumaturgist’s character level/2 (rounding down)".
- The Candle of Invocation purchase cost is increased from 8,400GP to 65,000GP.
- The Scroll of Gate is available for purchase in two varieties:
- "Planar Travel" only for the listed cost of 8,825GP.
- "Planar Travel + Called Creature" for a total increased cost of 55,000GP.
- Epic class progressions, feats, spells, and items are not available until 21st level
Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 Monster Manual (MM)
- Available only for the purposes of summons, familiars, and animal companions at 1st level.
- Available for the purposes of races and feats in addition to the above at 2nd level.
- Only creatures and templates with a listed LA of +0 or more are playable. "—" does not equal +0. See the note about cohort only races below.
- The combined sum of racial hit dice (HD) and level adjustment (LA), including additional level adjustment from a template if applicable must leave you with the the ability to take at least one level of a class (non-racial HD).
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No characters may created using the celestial creature, fiendish creature, ghost, lich, lycanthrope(afflicted), skeleton, or zombie templates.
- Unavailable Races:
- Azer is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
- Archon, Hound is not available as a race due to being from Mt. Celestia.
- Demon, Dretch is not available as a race due to being from the Abyss.
- Demon, Hezrou is not available as a race due to being from the Abyss.
- Demon, Succubus is not available as a race due to being from the Abyss.
- Demon, Vrock is not available as a race due to being from the Abyss.
- Devil, Bearded (Barbazu) is not available as a race due to being from the Nine Hells.
- Devil, Chain (Kyton) is not available as a race due to being from the Nine Hells.
- Devil, Erinyes is not available as a race due to being from the Nine Hells.
- Derro are not available as a race until at least one is restored to sanity during the campaign.
- Eladrin, Bralani is not available as a race due to being from Arboria.
- Genie, Djinn is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Air.
- Inevitable, Zelekhut is not available as a race due to being from Mechanus.
- Lillend is not available as a race due to being from Ysgard.
- Salamander, Average is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
- Salamander, Flamebrother is not available as a race due to being from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
- Slaad, Blue is not available as a race due to being from Limbo.
- Slaad, Gray is not available as a race due to being from Limbo.
- Slaad, Green is not available as a race due to being from Limbo.
- Slaad, Red is not available as a race due to being from Limbo.
- The following races may only be taken as cohorts
- True Dragons of any age category.
- Aranea.
- Krenshar.
- Pseudodragon.
- Mephits of any kind.
- Shambling Mound.
- Worg.
- Any other race with the world "cohort" after it's level adjustment entry in the table or text.
- In addition races chosen must comply with the rules outlined in the SRD.
Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 Miniature's Handbook (MH)
- With the exception of classes and races which were updated later, first available for use at 2nd level.
- The Warmage core class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Arcane, and not available until that book is available [at character level 4].
- The Favored Soul core class is superseded by the revised version listed in the Complete Divine, and not available until that book is [at character level 4].
- The Catfolk race is superseded by the revised version listed in the Races of the Wild, and not available until that book is [at character level 8].
- No prestige class levels may be taken until the player meets an NPC trainer in game play.
- The Warchief prestige class is not permitted.
- The Warhulk prestige class is not permitted.
- The Spell "Close Wounds" on page 34 is superseded by the version printed in the Spell Compendium on page 48.
Arms & Equipment Guide (AE)
- First available at 2nd level
- The Fullblade and Duom are not available in this campaign.
- Due to the 3.0 nature of this book, weapons and items may not work how you expect from reading the text. Errata may be issued by the campaign as issues are discovered.
Monster Manual 2 (MM2)
- First available for use at 8th Level.
- No material can be used from this book due to it being a 3.0 source. If a race, template, feat, etc. shows up in another book, or if it has been adapted by this campaign it can be used where specified.
Monster Manual 3 (MM3)
- First available for use at 8th level.
- Only creatures and templates with a listed LA of +0 or more are playable. "—" does not equal +0. See the note about cohort only races below.
- The combined sum of racial hit dice (HD) and level adjustment (LA), including additional level adjustment from a template if applicable must leave you with the the ability to take at least one level of a class (non-racial HD).
- A character may not have more than 1 template applied.
- No characters may created using the celestial creature, fiendish creature, ghost, lich, lycanthrope(afflicted), skeleton, or zombie templates.
- Unavailable Races:
- Demon, Arrow is not available as a race due to being from the Abyss.
- Lumi is not available as a race due to being from the Positive Energy Plane.
- The following races may only be taken as cohorts
- Bearhound.